Should I go with children to rest in Venice?


Many tourists have learned their children to travel around the world from the Small years. Venice is a wonderful city on the water, which will give the whole family of the feeling of fairy tales, especially if you visit it during the carnivals and festivals.

Huge pleasure to children deliver hiking through the city, which can be combined with the purchase of souvenirs and all sorts of beautiful trifles for memory. Souvenir shops are filled with a variety of glass sculptures, the type of which is sometimes simply impressive - glass cats, lions and other animals look like alive. Shop windows are sparkling from all sorts of handmade souvenirs, bizarre magnets and multi-colored bees, so the attention of a small tourist, without a doubt, will be riveted to the diversity of this beauty.

Various statuettes of a winged lion, which is a symbol of Venice, very often can be found on the streets of the city. In the center, near the Church of San Marco, you can find big stone lions, where adults and children are constantly being photographed.

An excursion in Venice on a water tram will be interesting to older children, because you can not only enjoy the walk, but also learn a lot of interesting historical facts.

Should I go with children to rest in Venice? 3292_1

If you plan to relax with the child, it is better to choose the warm season when there is no rain and permeating winds (since the end of March and October). Travel along the channels on the gondola will definitely like any child, the truth is pleasure it is not cheap. The price of a walk can range from 60 to 100 euros at the height of the season.

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For those tourists who visit the city in the summer and stay there for several days, a great holiday will be a trip to the beach, which can be reached in a water tram.

There are no little small children to carry in Venice - you can't find any special entertainment for them, and therefore they can easily get bored, because not many kids love walks on museums. In the midst of the tourist season, visitors becomes a lot, so getting on the excursions can be problematic. Another, perhaps, the most significant argument will be hot weather and many insects, which constantly have to drive off, walking near the water.

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