Ride from Turkey to Israel


Of course, many tourists, being in a well-deserved vacation, really want to experience at least some kind of diversity. Naturally, in Turkey a lot of their own attractions, and each of them deserves separate attention. But there is also a very interesting day excursion from Turkey to Israel in this country. And recently, it is becoming increasingly popular with those who came to relax in Turkey.

The fact is that this is an excellent opportunity for a relatively low price to be on the Holy Land. The cost of such an excursion is from 200 to $ 400, and on duration - one day, that is, 20-22 hours, and this cost includes a transfer from the hotel, airfare, insurance, lunch and dinner, as well as entrance tickets to Museums. A minus such an excursion is a very dense schedule, summer heat and naturally the high cost of souvenirs.

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As for the visa, the citizens of Russia for a period of less than three months visa for entry into Israel do not need to be issued, however, as well as for the countries of the former Union. However, before filling out the questionnaire to enter, make sure that your passport is valid for at least six months plus one day. If you are a citizen of Ukraine or Georgia, then be prepared for possible questions on the border, since the Israeli government aggressively struggles with labor migrants, and they most often come from these countries.

But in principle, it is best with the guide in advance to make an agreement on the return of money for a tour, suddenly if you are not sticking to the country. Unfortunately, such precedents are, but at the same time no one hurries money to return. The departures for such excursions are carried out in Turkey only from two cities - from Istanbul and from Antalya. So, if you want to go to such a tour of other cities, you will have to spend a few extra hours on the road to the airport.

No matter what age you have and what your religious beliefs you have, you still will be very interesting, because you will come to the country where Christianity originated, and this is at least an integral part of the story. Well, if you are generally far from religion, you will just get the pleasure of architectural monuments and natural attractions. In the process of excursions, you will visit the pilgrimage center, then Bethlehem is a place where Christ was born, you will visit the Jordan River and on the coast of the Dead Sea, see the old part of Jerusalem, the place of burial of Christ and, of course, visit the Watch Wall.

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Get ready for the purchase of souvenirs, many guides usually allocate a lot of time, almost as much as the excursion itself. However, it depends more directly from the guide itself. The excursion is carried out in a rather fast pace, despite the proximity of the main attractions and the compact size of Israel. Nevertheless, it will be possible to shoot and record on the video so that such wonderful moments are preserved with you later for many years.

Before starting the excursion, all tourists will be brought to the center of pilgrims. There everyone can acquire souvenirs and various church attributes, but note that the cost of them is very high, so it is better to acquire it all in Palestine - as far as possible from the main tourist routes. Then all tourists are waiting for a visit to the city of Bethlehem - after all, according to the Bible, the Savior was born. Now in this very place where he is born, there is a church - this is very small in essence.

Tourists will be able to explore the cave under this church and its interior decoration. Inside the church, the Byzantine frescoes were well preserved, and you can also see the only icon on which the mother of Jesus Christ - Maria smiles. Further, all tourists are taken on the coast of the Jordan River, where everyone will be able to plunge, but only to do it must be in a white baptismal shirt.

However, you can buy it right there in place. Well, after the River Jordan, the dead sea awaits you. This place is famous not only by the high concentration of salt, but also the fact that it is the lowest land sushi section on the planet. Here tourists can explore the sea coast on their own, splash in salty water and even to cooke with healing mud. By the way, salt and dirt can then be purchased in a small shop.

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A visit to the old part of Jerusalem will certainly enjoy all connoisseurs of ancient architecture. The main part of the buildings here is practically in its original form. Such an excursion will be very interesting for all almost Christians, despite all possible branches. Well, in the church of the Holy Sepulcher will already be interested in religious people, because it is believed that the body of Christ was buried here.

There are always a lot of tourists here, and there is little time for inspection, so do not forget to make photos. After the temple you will lead to the wing wall. It is divided into two parts - one separately for men, and the second one separately for women. By local traditions, men do not have the right to approach the wall of crying without a headdress. Usually everyone is trying to leave notes in the cry of crying, but it is possible to write a note, but it is difficult to fix it in the wall itself, because quite wide gaps have long been engaged in the notes of other tourists.

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