Attractions Tver


Tver is an amazing ancient Russian city, which is actually older even Moscow, since the first mentions of it are found in 1135. When you arrive here, you will see the first thing ancient streets and houses with blue shutters and cute patterned arches, as well as century-old cathedrals and in their own way unusual museums. It is all that they attract numerous tourists here, well, the connoisseurs of architecture come to Tver in order to admire the creations of the great architectures, and the pilgrims are aspire to touch the holy places accordingly.

One of the most interesting places in the city is the Imperial Travel Palace. This is a very elegant building, which was created in the style of classicism with the elements of Baroque, and served as a transshipment point for the imperial family to relax while following from Moscow to St. Petersburg. For example, Catherine II in this palace suited called dinners, then Alexander I was often stopped here, well, and his sister Ekaterina Pavlovna could have been able to turn the palace in the real center of secular life. Also here, from all over the country, poets and writers went out to be able to read their works personally to members of the imperial family.

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The most, perhaps, the unusual museum in Tver is of course the goat museum. Oddly enough, but many legends and legends in this city is due to some reason with a goat, which according to these legends is entangled in bell rods and thus the bell sounded. And at the same time warned all the inhabitants of threatening danger. Well, in addition to this goat, it simply can be said is a symbol of Tver, because throughout, perhaps, five centuries, products from goat skins were produced here and subsequently distributed throughout Russia. Here you can see, probably, at least 3.500 different figures of goats made from all kinds of materials - wool, ceramics, glass, wood, straw and so on. All excursions within this museum are held with humor and in poetic form.

You can then visit the Tver Life Museum, which is a typical urban estate of the eighteenth-nineteenth century. It actually consists of a main house, then several flibels, household buildings and well. Here you can see, in what conditions the residents of a wide variety of villains with their interior, outfits, decorations, furniture, wooden dishes, with record books, toys, and so on. Also, a separate exposition is fully devoted to samovars. Here you can see road samovars, then samovars "Egoists", tongs for sugar, trays, tea and more. And of course, in addition to listening to a lecture in this museum, all visitors offer a pleasant atmospheric tea party in the most real Russian tea.

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Do not forget that in Tver lived such a great Russian writer as Saltykov-Shchedrin, so the museum is open here, fully dedicated to this great writer. It is located in the building of the former noble manor, in which the writer lived from 1860 to 1862. It should be noted that he not only engaged in creativity here, but at the same time he also worked as a vice-governor for several years. The museum presents about 800 exhibits, including the author's manuscripts, and also illustrations for many of his books that were made by famous artists.

In the city itself, it is necessary to take a walk of course in the park, which is located on the banks of the Volga and are called a city garden. Here you can not only enjoy the magnificent Volga landscapes, but also ride all kinds of rides. And also, if you are interested in history, you can see the ditch, preserved from the ancient fortress, which was the defender of the city for many centuries. You also need to visit Stepana Razin's embankment. Once the city survived the strongest fire and was completely ruined, and then the reigning at that time Ekaterina II ordered urgently to restore the damaged homes of Tver. Moreover, from St. Petersburg, then a special architect was sent, which built buildings on the embankment in the style of the "Unified Facade", that is, in the same way as it was headed in St. Petersburg. Therefore, in the eighteenth-nineteenth century, the city of Tver called the "corner of St. Petersburg".

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Also, you should not forget that a native Tver is a famous musician and the artist Mikhail Circle, which in the very center of Tver is installed a bronze sculpture with a guitar and in an unbutton shirt. The sculpture was opened only in 2007 and then thanks to the efforts of his close friends and relatives, since it was not easy to do it. Many locals opposed the installation of such a monument. There were cases when the vandals even repeatedly attacked the monument and spoiled him, but now they are also adored by the locals, and the fans of Clason's creativity.

In Tver, it is necessary to stroll along the three-walled street, which mainly consists of small mansions of the nineteenth-twenty centuries, since it appeared after that terrible fire, which destroyed the entire center of the city in 1763. Well, this street received my name because it leads just to the monastery of the same name. Some of this street today is a pedestrian, so here you can usually meet a large number of tourists, as well as souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes, musicians and artists. Also, there are several rather large shopping centers.

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