Attractions Anadyrius


The city of Anadyr is located on the Chukotka Peninsula Nearby from the right bank of the River of the same name, which flows into the Anadyr Bay in the Bering Sea. It should be noted that it is here that the zone of permafrost is here. This city is perhaps the most unclosed among all regions of the country. Only about 15,000 people live here. But in order to fully experience a truly life of local residents, at least a little to travel along the tundra or for several days to live in the nearby villages, for example, in coal specks that are on the very different side of the lagoon. And after that, life in Anadyr will seem to you the best on Earth. Because the city is very small in size, then there are places of attractions here in essence quite a bit, but they are all very unusual.

One of the most significant architectural structures of the city is the Holy Trinity Cathedral. In general, it can be said that the cathedrals of such dimensions in the conditions of permafrost in the world are practically not found in the world. At the same time, more than a thousand people can get into the cathedral. Well, of course, the cathedral is impressive with its unusual architecture. In order to build this attraction in Anadyr, here were brought from the Omsk region of Pine and a calibrated larch.

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The fact is that these these materials are perfectly withstanding the impact of humidity along with low temperature indicators. Also, how many rarity can be noted the fact that all the limits of this cathedral are connected under one roof, which is rarely found in the cult facilities of Russia. Also in the cathedral there are special refrigeration units so that in summer the soil does not pull out. It should also be noted that the majestic cathedral was built in a very short period of time - only for 3 years and the temple was ready. The money for its construction was donated to the governor Roman Abramovich, and some residents of the district.

If many monuments in this city can say "the most, then a monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker cannot be called an exception. This is perhaps the world's largest monument, which was built in honor of this saint. And really the figure looks incredibly majestically. It rises on a major pedestal, and the total height of this monument is four meters, so the very first rays of the Sun on the eastern borders of our country fall on this monument. It is also noteworthy a reliable fact that when the saint figure was transported through the Anadyr bay, then at that time the storm was a storm as a magic hand instantly. Naturally, believers immediately counted that this sign is a real blessing over.

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Not far from the city, or rather 390 kilometers away from it, there is a famous lake with very difficult to pronounce the name - Elgygytgian. If you translate from the Chukotka language into Russian, it will mean a "white lake". The lake is outside the city, it is considered already the landmark of Anadyr district. Scientists believe that this reservoir appeared more than three million years ago at the place where the volcano was previously. It is great that there was never a glaciation and still in the lake there are incredible relict fish, which in other places it is simply impossible to see. But only a look at this beautiful reservoir can be only from a helicopter, since there are no settlements nearby and even any roads that would be laid to this lake.

Also need to look at the local history museum of Anadyr, which is called the "Heritage of Chukotka". In fact, this museum appeared at this place at the beginning of the 20th century, and then he was the most common local history bureau. The very first collection in the museum has about 700 exhibits, but for many years the collection of the museum has been replenished with many interesting and original exhibits, among which there are household items, tools, samples of national clothing and many photos.

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You can also, if desired, to settle the ancient capital of Eskimos Naikan, which is located on the cape of Dezhnev at the Chukotka Peninsula. For three millennia, various paleoisian cultures were replaced by each other, but now from Nakukan actually little, only whale ribs protruding from the Earth, to many different bone artifacts of incomprehensible destination. The remains of the largest settlement of Eskimos were practically liquidated in 1958 in the process of so-called enlargement. Literally until the resettlement itself, 400 people from 13 different births lived in the Naukan, and this an ancient settlement existed several millennia and traditions, and the way of his life was formed for many centuries.

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