Excursion "27 waterfalls" - price and is it possible to visit yourself


Geographically, 27 waterfalls in Dominican Republic are located in the Puerto Plata area, that is, near the city of Imbert. Here to this attraction every day a few excursions are organized, and different types are individual, small groups and VIP. Only in no case is it not recommended to take with you to such a journey of young children, because for them this walk through the heat can turn into a real torture.

If you want to get here on your own, quickly and without much losses and forces in the heat, then the answer can be only one - by taxi. And for the way at one end you will need to pay about $ 30, but at the same time the car takes you to the place you need just for some 20-30 minutes. As a rule, after tourists arrive at the main location, there are local residents with light breakfasts here, because it is necessary to travel from hotels in the early morning. Well, after this, the preparations for a tour begins, which includes mandatory instruction, as well as equipment with rescue vests and helmet. The ticket price includes an experienced guide.


The tour of the 27 waterfalls in Dominicanna in its category refers to a complex and ranked therefore to an extreme rest. In order to spend almost all day among the water and rocks, it is necessary to have at least some minimal physical training, because during the passage of the excursion you will have to climb on the rope stairs, for steep paths, crawling, and then jump into the water. If you do not imagine a route in advance and, in principle, are not too confident in your abilities, before buying such a tour, you should carefully read the photos of these 27 waterfalls and read tourists' reviews, and then decide whether you will have such an adventure .

If you plan to buy an excursion without leaving the hotel, then be prepared for what you have to remember. The cost of excursions sold at the hotel usually starts from 90 dollars. Well, on site the ticket price will be very dependent on the route you choose. They are essentially divided into three types and depend on the number of waterfalls passable - that is 7, 12 or 27. The very first route costs $ 7.5, it is best to choose if you are not sure how in your abilities, So in the excerpt of their companions.

In particular, it concerns minor children, because for them even this relatively simple route may well seem ultra-empty. The second route includes 12 waterfalls and costs tourists $ 9 from one person. Well, the third path is the most difficult, it consists of all 27 waterfalls. The cost of such a route is 13 dollars and it will be necessary for 3 hours, not less.


Before you visit such an excursion, you must be sure to read the advice of people who have already visited it, because 27 waterfalls in Dominican Republic are unusually interesting, but at the same time very dangerous. Need necessarily comfortable shoes, which will allow you to confidently move along all inclined surfaces and will not be asleep at the same time. So here are sneakers or favorite sneakers. The main thing is that the stop does not slide inside the sneakers and was quite strengthened, because if you suddenly wash your legs, then you can easily slip and even get out. If you do not have such a comfortable shoe, you can rent it only for a few dollars right on the spot. You should not take things on a tour that can spoil from water from entering water. They are better to leave them in the hotel, but at the same time do not forget to take cash with them to buy something delicious in a cafe or give a tip guide if desired.

Before you go out of the hotel on a tour, you must undertake a medical insurance with you, and all the documents are wrapped in a waterproof package so that in the case of which they are not impudent. Also sure to capture hats and drinking water. Do not think that 27 waterfalls can be visited in an independent way, especially if you arrived in Dominican Republic for the very first time.


Still, it is better to use the services of travel agencies. Moreover, the most beautiful sights of Dominican Republic, as a rule, visit independently prohibited. Without a guide, you can not even get closer to them, not to mention walks on the waterfalls themselves, especially after in 2004 an accident occurred there. So now a visit to 27 waterfall in Dominican is independently strictly prohibited.

About this excursion tourists, as a rule, write a lot of wonderful reviews. All affects the brown vegetation and magnificent types of stone boulders, from which water flows. Well, of course, people who remain and displeased traveling to unique 27 waterfalls in Dominican. Basically, dissatisfaction is associated with service through excursions, as well as some tourists are outraged by the quality of the dishes, which they offer them in distant locations and high-cost provided related services.

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