Why should I go to Balchik?


Balchik is considered the third largest city-port in Bulgaria, which is located 42 km from Varna. All visitors to the resort immediately amazes his colorful architecture - multicolored houses that are located as it were in the form of an amphitheater, and against the background of white rocks, they look truly fabulously. All tourists who come to holiday in Balchik may well count not only on beautiful beaches, but also on a rich excursion program.

The main attractions of the resort are considered to be the residence of the Romanian Queen Mary, the Botanical Garden, the Garden of Allah, the Church of St. Nichola and much more. The hottest months in the resort are July and August, since the average air temperature at this time exceeds the mark in plus 26 degrees. Well, the water is heated, respectively, to + 23. In May, swim here is still early here, because the water is not heated above plus 15 degrees, although the air temperature is already quite comfortable - to plus 20 degrees. September is also quite suitable for recreation, especially for tourists who adore privacy. People already at the resort becomes much smaller, and the temperature and air, and the sea allows you to sunbathe and swim.

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Literally next to the port is the beach, which, by the way, is considered the only one in the Balchik. The sand band has a decent size and comes to 100 meters. However, the beach is non-plan - just 230 meters along the coast. Naturally, at lunchtime, a lot of people are going to the midst of the season, and they become closed. The territory of the beach is divided into a paid and free zone, as well as cafes and bars here. Infrastructure developed well there are showers, paid toilets and cabins for dressing up. If you wish, you can rent umbrellas and sun beds. The occasion in the water is very flat, so it is very convenient to swim with children. Immediately we can say about the minuses - smoking is allowed on the beach and the territory is cleaned badly.

You can stop in Balchik in hotels of almost any comfort, as well as in sanatoriums and boarding houses. Moreover, most of these places are quite suitable for accommodation with children. Almost all hotels have pools, bars and restaurants, and some have spa salons. However, in addition to hotels, you can quickly stay in a hostel or in a separate apartment. For example, on the street of Primorsk near the beach there is very cozy hotels of the two-star category, and in front of the urban beach, apartments with a kitchenette, a bedroom for 4 guests and a bathroom.

And in the city itself, the infrastructure is developed quite well - restaurants and cafes, as well as branches of banks, supermarkets and mail. But there is no public transport at the resort at all, because from any point to the coast you can walk just for half an hour. It is almost impossible to do a full shopping here, although there are still several shops here, but there are no large shopping centers.

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The main part of these stores is located on Christ Boteva Street. In addition to bars with restaurants and nightclubs in the city for active tourists, a yacht club is open and wishes can play golf. Also, 5 kilometers from the resort is a balneological mud complex, in which you can take therapeutic and prophylactic procedures. Starting from May to the end of September, various festivals and cultural events are held at the resort. The main part of restaurants and cafes of course is concentrated in the coastal zone, you can try both sea and national cuisine. It should be noted that prices are quite democratic and serving generous - truly "Bulgarian".

But for children in the city of entertainment, there is practically no rides. So before traveling to the hotel, be sure to check - whether there is some kind of program for them on site. On one of the Balchik streets there is a small playground overlooking the sea. There are sandboxes, slides and swing, so for a while it can take your children, and while you sit on a bench surrounded by trees and admire the sea horizon.

The Botchiks have a botanical garden, which was organized in 1921 by Queen Romania Maria Edinburgh. In addition to the most luxurious garden, everyone can see the summer residence of the Queen, ten villas, chapel, wine cellar and mills. Also near the palace, which is located on the hill, and the large stone throne has been preserved. When the queen rested in these places, she loved to accompany the sunset on it.

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Literally by chance in 2007, the ruins of the Kibely temple were found in the Balchik during the construction of a residential building - the ancient Greek Goddess of fertility, which was also considered the mother of the gods. At the front part of the temple, you can also see the embossed image of Helios. The temple was built before our era and stone slabs were used in its construction. But in the fourth century, the building was already destroyed and buried under the layer of land under the influence of a landslide. Also at the resort you can visit the Ethnographic Museum and the Art Gallery, and if you wish to go to a small village of the Orthodox, which is fifteen kilometers in the west direction from Balchik. There you can see the Alevia Türbe - the tomb of the XVI century and there can be looking at the Ottoman Fort.

The disadvantages of the resort include the fact that it is located on the hills, so walking all the time on foot and it is not always convenient. Then the Balchik cannot be called a budget resort and this is perhaps his main drawback. In addition, nightlife in the resort in general is present, but it is not particularly rich and bright, it is impossible. This is who exactly like the Balchik, so it is romantic and lovers not just lying on the beach, but to open something new for themselves. Also here will like and families with children who strive for silence and solitude, but at the same time, so that civilization benefits are. Well, the active youth here will be of course boring.

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