What is worth viewing in Sukhum? The most interesting places.


Sukhumi's city (local aborigines categorically do not recognize such a name, calling their city Sukhum) in principle is not a resort as such. This is the center, the capital of Abkhazia, although it is located off the coast of the Black Sea. Following the rest, in my opinion, this nuance should be taken into account. All impressions of Abkhazia begin to form from the moment of crossing the border. One way (Russia), where relative civilization, on the other side (Abkhazia), is more like an eastern bazaar. The country of trading, universal laziness and destroyed, which cannot be defeated (just laziness to work) since 1993, during the period of Abkhazko, Georgian hostilities.

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The only thing that you can admire, getting into Abkhazia is a gorgeous nature, a unique subtropical climate and a magnificent Black Sea, that is, all that nature gave us. The rest, especially all that is done by the "hands" of the local population - at best, alarming.

It is categorically warned by possible tourists - it is not necessary to go to the resort on a personal vehicle, otherwise you have to spend the night at the parking lot, or as an alternative - to be brazed, breaking the glass (these are the realities of our first trip to Sukhumi on your own car).

I want to immediately note, the rules of the road in Abkhazia are just an empty sound, while in the republic there are only two traffic lights (two in the city of Gagra, two in the city of Sukhum). Therefore, they drive as they want and what they want, the safety rules in public transport are appropriate, we rushed through the serpentine as a race track, to distillations with the same straps, right from the border itself. It is better to look out the window (so as not so scary). And to see eats what. Magnificent sea surface, majestic mountains, everything in the district is drowning in greenery. Nature is simply pleasing to the eye. The beautiful landscape overshadows only destroyed houses, abandoned buildings - in general the consequences of the war left an indelible imprint.

We really liked Sukhum, despite some difficulties. It is important to decide for yourself, why do you actually go to Abkhazia? If you look for problems, it is better not to go. First, problems in rest can be found everywhere, even resting in your own home. Secondly, in Abkhazia, such "good" - at every step, where they do not throw a surround problem. Only with a positive mood can be enjoyed wonderful nature - otherwise it will not work. Once Sukhum was a very beautiful city, and now gradually recovering from the ruins, slowly acquires "its original appearance."

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The city is completely drowning in the greenery of oleandrov, eucalyptus trees. The person who has fallen into the city for the first time, it may be the impression that winter does not happen here, everything is so beautiful - green. Fascinating and picturesque atmosphere. The famous embankment of Majdzhirov is especially popular in Sukhum.

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Elegant architectural solutions of houses on the sides of the street, proximity to the sea coast make this street extremely attractive for walking.

In the city, as well as in its surroundings, the mass of decent places to visit. In the city of Sukhum there is a wonderful monkey kennel. Monkeys at the moment are not too much, in the former Soviet times the varieties of the population were many times more. By the way, the nursery built not at all for tourists. It was a kind of open laboratory, where a variety of vaccines were tested. Vaccines from polyomelitis, yellow fever, raw typhus, some varieties of hepatitis, tick-borne encephalitis, smallpox and many other diseases were tested in this nursery on poor monkeys.

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During the military actions, the nursery also suffered, and the post-war years population of the nursery and generally decreased. Nobody cared for pets, no people had something to eat, not the fact that monkeys. Fortunately, the authorities managed to preserve, then small that remained, although the care was staying alternate. I want to draw the attention of future visitors to the nursery. Do not fit close to cells with beasts, pets live the injignment, practically feed only by the fact that visitors will feed. Hence the aggression, can freely bite. At the entrance to the nursery sell food for their wards (the price is very moderate), take more (who, how tourists will feed monkeys).

Not far from the nursery is another pride of the city of Sukhum - National Arboretum.

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The arboretum was built in the XIX, the basis of the current beauty laid N. Svytsky, as the founder perpetuated in the monument, which is located in the center of the park. In the arboretum collected varieties of the plant world from all over the globe (the benefit of the wonderful climate of Abkhazia contributes to such a population). At the moment, more than 850 species of different plants are collected. The trick of the Arboretum is the South American alley of elephant palm trees.

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I advise you to visit.

There are also local attractions - the State Drama Theater, the State Russian Theater of the Drama. We ourselves did not go there, because there are practically no concerts, and the buildings for us are not impressed with particular beauty.

To feel the local flavor, I advise you to visit the central market. There is everything, from souvenir products to things. The choice is huge and must be traded (the tradition of the East).

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Local population (older people) are mostly friendly, which is not worth waiting for the younger generation. This category of the population is no loyalty, quite the opposite. Hence the bad criminogenic situation in the capital (however, as everywhere, throughout Abkhazia). All that lies badly, even if it lies well, shifting so that lay bad - and sang. Especially subject to theft of the vehicles of Russian citizens in the parking lots, by the beaches, even in the private sector in the parking lots. Proving or find guilty is not real. The entire population of the city through the third is the fifth knee of relatives, Kuma, Shurins - a patch, like the Beach of the Caucasus region.

Mass of sightseeing tours. You can order it everywhere. If you live in boarding houses, tours are offered on the spot. If in the private sector or "dicarce" such services just on the beaches.

From the entire mass of the proposed tourist routes, I recommend to visit Lake Rice, the attractions of the city of New Athos and thermal springs with mud baths. It is these (in my opinion) the trips are not only beautiful and informative, but also useful for health.

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