What to see in Madrid in two days?


Before starting to make travel routes to Madrid, to explore all its main attractions, it should be noted that in principle there are two areas in which their main number is collected - near the Royal Palace and near the Prado Museum. And right between these areas there are two most important squares of the city - Plaza Mayor and Puerta Del Sol.

Thus, if you want to constantly be in the center of events, then you need to settle somewhere nearby from here. So the route of sightseeing is designed for two saturated days. On the first day I recommend that you view the surroundings of the Royal Palace and finish acquaintance with them in the center, then on the second day you should visit the surroundings of the Prado Museum.

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The first day is worth starting from visiting the Serralbo Museum, which will be a very elegant alternative to the Royal Palace. It can be immediately noted that this is one of the very rare preserved excellent examples of the nineteenth-century mansion, and with a 100% preserved decor. When you lived here Marquis Serralbo with my family, and even now this house house museum can be felt, as if a residential house, which hospitably invites you to inside your desired guests. Near the entrance to this museum you will be presented with a special guidebook book, and it is noteworthy that it is also in Russian. It does not describe in detail everything that is in the rooms, but it concentrates your attention on several objects in it. In general, it is just the perfect guide for lovers of museums.

Next, naturally, you need to visit the Royal Palace. It is best to come there an hour before the discovery, so as not to stand later in the queue. Also note that it is impossible to photograph inside, so you can get acquainted with the description on the site of the museum. After you leave him, be sure to stroll in the royal gardens - there is very pleasant and calm, and of course very beautiful. Please note that the museum inspection including gardens will take you at least three hours, and perhaps even more.

Next go to the Faro de Moncloa viewing area. To move into this other part of the city, it is best to ride on the subway, since the observation deck, which is by the way the former lighting tower is located on the territory of the student town. The site itself is closed, but the glass here is so clean that you can enjoy the magnificent views from 92 meters altitude almost, as if it were open. By the way, next to the venue in the nearby building is a very interesting Museum of America, in which there are many magnificent exhibits of the pre-colonial time and the colonial era, and also presented pretty an impressive collection of jewelry.

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After the observation deck, you can move to the city center. To do this, you need to drive to the metro station to Plaza de Espana, because it is from here that the main shopping street of Madrid begins in essence. It always happens noisily and somewhat messy. Here you can visit any of the cafes to enjoy the local sweetness "Churros" with hot chocolate. The dish is completely unforgettable, so you must use this offer. Until the end of the street, you can not reach, but somewhere to roll into some small street and admire there with numerous and sometimes even somewhat wenged sculptures.

Further, according to the inspection plan, two places of Plaza Mayor and Puerta Del Sol. In general, the impression of them is beautiful, strange, scattered. As if suddenly everyone took and mixed in one big boiler, and then with tied eyes got and set themselves through the squares - they say so. Here, of course, there are many street artists who, the day after the day, properly give their ideas, then the buildings categorically refuse to let into the inside of any strangers, which have mercy on the concrete girls, located here as if from another planet. In any case, finish the first saturated day of the inspection of Madrid at the area of ​​the main square Plaza Mayor will be a very good solution.

The second day begins with the examination of the National Library. Just do not think that there are only some books collected - you can find an incredible number of interesting things. The National Library constantly represents the exposition of ancient books, and there are still very interesting exhibitions there. After the library, immediately go to the Archaeological Museum, which is its worthy alternative. By the way, this museum has a very good rating on such a popular site as a tripadvizer. Visitors say that the museum's exposition is very impressive, so you need to give the inspection of at least two and a half hours.

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Next, we go straight to the Wax Museum, if you certainly love such entertainment. In principle, such museums are available in many cities, but if you have never ever been to them and want to take pictures with Marilyn Monroe or with Enstein, you can safely go. And then you are waiting for the University of Fine Arts. That's exactly here there is a beautiful and open observation deck, there is also a bar and other charms. If you love any active moving, then you need to come closer here in the late afternoon, when there are a lot of people there. And if you like silence and the minimum number of people, it is better to come in the middle of the day.

Next, we go to get acquainted with Retiro Park, which is the largest fleet in the center of Madrid. There are wide streets and rather narrow trails, immensitious cypresses and thin roses-co-rates are growing, there are no palaces, fountains and sculptures. If you wish, you can ride a boating or on the catamaran on the lake, located right on the territory of the park. Pay special attention to the crystal glass palace is a unique structure that is fully consisting of metal and glass, it immediately affects the grace and fragility immediately. Once before it was a greenhouse, in which plants grew from the Philippine Islands, and now there are a variety of exhibitions. Also on the territory of the park you can also visit the Palace of Velasquez, which hosts the most interesting exhibitions.

Well, now we go straight to the most important goal of traveling the second day - to the Museum Prado. It is definitely considered one of the most significant and largest museums of art throughout Europe. In addition, he undoubtedly enters the twenty of the most visited museums on the entire planet. Here are the works of such famous masters, like Velasquez, Rafael, Bosch, Goya, Bruegel, Caravaggio and Rubens. However, note that it is also not allowed to take pictures in the museum, and therefore, before entering, you will certainly take a booklet with the plans of the halls. It's nice that there are booklets and in Russian. Also, do not forget that in the last two hours of work, and at every day, the museum can be visited completely free, and do not be afraid that there will be a big line - it passes very quickly.

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After the Prado Museum, we go to the Tissen-Borneis Museum, which before 1993 was considered the largest of all private picture galleries in the world. To date, he moved to the custody of the state and here you can completely free (at certain hours) enjoy the art. Artistic canvases presented in this museum are somewhat more diverse than in the Prado Museum, since there are also expressionists, and impressionists, as well as there are also European and American canvases other than the second half of the 20th century. It is also very nice that there are museum plans in Russian.

I hope you have not tired of museums, because the museum of the arts of Queen Sofia awaits you. It is considered the third in the "golden triangle of the arts" located in Madrid. But this museum is designed for those who love modern art, since the painting of the twentieth century is presented here, including the work of Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, as well as many of the most different modern artists, the work of which was somehow connected with Spain. .

Next to all these museums there is athma train station, which should also look like, especially if you did not come here by train. A beautiful greenhouse is broken right on the territory of the station, entering which they immediately feel calm and at the same time temptation of distant travel.

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