Best time to relax in Venice


One of the most beautiful places on the planet is considered to be Venice - a magical vintage city on the water. In order to get the maximum travel pleasure, your vacation is better planned in advance. If possible, together with tickets, it is necessary to book a hotel in advance, which will save a decent amount on vacation.

The optimal time for traveling to Venice will be a week - two to Easter, prices during this period are more than affordable and there is no huge influx of traveling. The weather allows you to walk through the streets with pleasure, without a rush, carefully considering all objects of interest. The average air temperature during this period is about 15 degrees of heat, and there is practically no rainy days. An equally important factor is the lack of mosquitoes and midges in the period until the end of April, at a faster time of the year they attack tourists, delivering certain discomfort. During this period, it is possible to buy souvenirs as much as possible for yourself and your loved ones, as well as without huge queues, visit the excursions.

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The most "hot" vacation months is considered to be June - September. During this period, all hotels are naked tourists and calmly, without fuss, visit the excursions will be problematic. Normal queues are arranged near souvenir shops, and therefore their cost increases several times. Budget hotels booked a few months ahead.

The price of housing is significantly increased during the holiday of the holiday, which is held annual, in the third Sunday of July. Locals say it is the main holiday of Venice, when the entire population has fun together with tourists. Decorated gondolas and boats float in the evening, a solemn meal begins and incendiary dancing begins. Salute, which completes a grand triumph, lasts about an hour, and therefore attracts thousands of tourists from around the world in this magic city on water.

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In addition to this holiday, in odd years, in Venice, a festival of contemporary art is held under the name Biennale, which collects a lot of celebrities.

If you decide to visit Venice in the winter months and the cold does not scare you, it is worth knowing that the average temperature of the air is within 10 to 14 degrees of heat. Cold winds blow from the sea, which literally penetrate the body, and therefore it is long in the fresh air, alas, will be uncomfortable. The city is almost constantly in dense fog and looks very mysterious, and on the street only occasionally you can find passers-by. During this period, it is often raining, and clearly few days are completely small. Water can even climb a few meters and in such a state for several days. Floods are not frightened by local residents, only tourists having heard a warning siren about the approach of "high water" begin to panic. In order to be able to walk through the streets, it is worth stocking of warm upper clothes, raincoat and rubber boots. Despite all the flaws, there is the only advantage of rest in Venice in winter - very affordable prices and the absence of a crowd of tourists.

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