Useful information about the holiday in India. Tips for experienced tourists.


Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would like to tell a little about the Indians themselves, what to expect from them, and that at all is a well-established myth or imposed on the opinions of those travelers who simply are not lucky. How many people are so many opinions. Therefore, I again do not impose my opinion to you, but 2 months of traveling in Central India still helped me draw up an opinion on the aborigines.

First, in India, in principle, as we understood, you should not wait for the trick and meanness: if the Indian says to you something or promises, it means only what you hear, and no subtext or a double meaning and in mom . How often we wonder: "What did he mean?" In India, guys, the Indian has in mind exactly what he says. If he is going to pull you, he will say something like: "Attention, I will pull you now." If you don't hear anything like this, it means everything is clean. If you suddenly get out, they say, yes I am, etc., then he will easily and calmly say something like: "Yes? Well, okay, then I will not. " Indian will not depict innocence, bending you some amount, he honestly say: "This is actually so much, so much I have to give it to the one who helped me to do it for you, and so much cost my services. "

Useful information about the holiday in India. Tips for experienced tourists. 3248_1

If he tells you that I, they say, you do not need money from you, you can ask a question: "Why?" - And what is the most interesting, he will answer him, not being crying and not happily, and even says that he needs from you in principle, because it probably likely that he is altruist, but still possible (imagine!). People who have not taken extra money, were not rare on my way. The owner of the hotel in Delhi straight said: "I don't need your money, just write about my hotel on the Internet, write honestly, as you think you need" (he is not even particularly interested in how I think it's necessary). The system administrator in the same hotel, picking up with the Internet and with my laptop all day: "No! I will not take anything, no. " The owner of the hotel in Jaisalmera lowered the price of the hotel with an explanation: "Because you are a good person." The driver who has risening us from one city to another, returned a fifty dollar with the words: "You gave me too much." The seller in Kerala, making a freshly squeezed juice: "Wait, I will give a surrender, watermelon juice on five rupees cheaper, I do not want to deceive and take more."

Secondly, theft in India is no different from our level. At first, we trembled and looked around, frightened from the finger suddenly by the warnings, and then relaxed to relax, realizing that no one was going to rob us. Even the opposite. Once we walked through the huge bazaar of Chadni Choek in Delhi, I was immersed in myself and did not even immediately pay attention to the screams behind my back. Indian's market ran after the market, more precisely, desperately tried to climb through the market crowd, swung his hands, pointed out something and said something. When my friend was transferred, I fell into a stupor, without believing his words - the Indian ran after me, to say that my jeans stick out of the back pocket, that it is not good and even dangerous, for I can lose them or someone pull out. I'm in a state of light shock and with a stupid smile on my face stretched out my hand and pulled out a handkerchief from my pocket, whose corner was stuck out of my jeans, and the Indian took it for the folded bills. How to fold together the stories of those who were cleaned in India, with the fact that the uncle did not even try to pull the pseudo-bills from my pocket, but only pointed to me. It happens! And how to explain the fact that in front of the entrance to one of the temples, where it was necessary to take photo and video equipment, the driver hired by us was sitting, not moving, with all our cameras and phones, which, you need to admit, far from cheap, not even trying Torture? Of course, we have a break of caution: money, tickets and bank cards we were either reliably removed, or were with you in the waist bags with which we practically never parted; A small amount of money "for the day" was kept in each of us in a countersight belt pocket; In dubious hotels, we fasted backpacks by cycling locks to stationary subjects (beds, balcony handles, any mounts in the wall); Small backpacks always outweighed at the entrance to the crowd. But the flashes and the incidents still happened: the belt bag remained to lie in the room on the bed, then the belt with money turned out to be forgotten, because he still did not hold his pants, and so on. Nowhere to do not have a penny! If you yourself will slip your things to thugs (leave bags / packets without supervision, while you leave "literally for a minute"), then you will be punished, be sure, and in any country, including India. If you observe simple rules and take care of what is your property, then you have no reason to shake and worry. From whom you really need to keep your valuable things away, so it is from Indian monkeys - in these matters they are masterfully succeeded.

Useful information about the holiday in India. Tips for experienced tourists. 3248_2

And thirdly, about their concern. You know, one day in Delhi, we saw a lady rather large, she squinted down the street at high heels, in a catastrophically short dress with a decolight de knees and in black stockings in a mesh. What do you think, what was the reaction? At that moment there was not a single person on the street, who would not turn into her or at least not frozen from an open mouth. Even insane Indian drills stopped furiously to harvest. We also turned around, onsev from bewilderment. And then she will write in their diaries about the sexual concerns of the Indians. Dear, you can write with the same success about the sexual concerns of two Russian girls, who, Obaldev, could not tear away from you. Yes, at that moment they looked an insane look even cows and dogs! Such a lady would produce Furore even on the Moscow streets who have seen anything. I do not consider sexually concerned men who speake me compliments inviting dinner and trying to tie a conversation. This is not sexual concern, but a living interest and live attraction caused by a living woman, and not an amoebo ordinary. Hinduses are not concerned, but natural and immediately like children. After all, the child, having a beautiful woman, will not eat and select words, but will say directly: "What a beautiful aunt!" I do not think that you for these words consider it to the category of sexually concerned, isn't it?

Useful information about the holiday in India. Tips for experienced tourists. 3248_3

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