Excursion from Alanya to Istanbul


If you want to break away from the beach rest for some time and get acquainted with a noisy megalopolis, but at the same time the city with a thousand-year history, with its special color and ancient oriental bazair, then be sure to highlight at least one day to go from Alanya on a tour of Istanbul. Since the distance between these cities is approximately 800 kilometers, then on the machine to drive there, back in one day will not work in any way.

It is necessary to fly by plane from the nearest airport Antalya. Such excursions can be bought in both local tourist firms, and of course at their hotel guides. However, it is worth considering that if you are in Turkey in the midst of the beach season, then book excursions need at least one or two weeks, otherwise it will simply be free. Excursions are held, as a rule, twice a week, and tickets are quickly distributed, since the number of people willing very and very large.

During the excursion you will be constantly accompanied by the Russian-speaking guide, and in a day you can see all the cultural attractions of Istanbul, to meet his story, delicious dinner and dinner, as well as make a cruise on the Bosphorus. Particularly about cash can not care, because the price of the excursion is included not only the flight, transfer costs, but also the cost of lunch with dinner, entrance tickets to the blue mosque and of course the cost of the walk through the Bosphorus.

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Straight at the airport of the city of Istanbul, they will be met by a Russian-speaking guide, which will first bring you to the Sultanammet Square, from her you will draw to the "Pearl of Eastern Architecture" - the most beautiful blue mosque. Then you can visit the Museum of Ayia Sofia, which in the period when Istanbul was still Constantinople, was the largest Christian cathedral and wore the name of Hagia Sophia.

Well, in the main palace of the Ottoman Empire, you will learn about the lives of Sultanov, among which Suleiman first is considered the most famous at all times. You will also visit the eastern bazaar, where, if you wish, you can buy the world's most fragrant spices and delicious Turkish sweets, wonderful coffee and tea, well, if you take more finance, then textiles and jewels. The end of such a tour is the waterfront of the Bosphorus with the inspection of beautiful attractions, located on its shores.

So, what is included in the Istanbul inspection program? In the process of such an excursion, you will first lead to Sultanahmet's Square, there you will see fragments of the facilities of the Byzantine period, and in addition to them, their beautiful fountain, which is the gift of the German Wilhelm Second. In ancient times, there were boots of gladiators and racing on chariots. Then you can still see the Egyptian Obelisk, which was brought from Luxor back in 390, as well as a serpentine column from the Greek Dolphic Acropolis of Apollo, and in addition to this Obelisk Konstantin, which the emperor built in memory of his grandfather Vasily first.

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The Blue Mosque is certainly an outstanding sample of Islamic architecture, this is a completely unique structure with six minarets. When Sultan Ahmed was the first one just thought about the construction of this mosque, then four assumptions of minarets should be four. However, the architect for some incomprehensible reasons built two minarets more. Basically in the ornaments of the Blue Mosque, if you look at, tulips prevail. So only for decorating ceramic tiles was created, probably half hundreds of variations of various images of this flower. Also during the excursion, you can see Mihrab - niche, made of a solid piece of marble, for prayers and Minbar is the place where Mullah usually read sermons. It is especially noteworthy here. Of course, the chain over the entrance, under which even the Sultan himself, leaving each time it was pregnant to prove its insignificance in comparison with Allah.

The Cathedral of Ayia Sophia is considered a symbol of the Golden Age of the Byzantine Empire and up to the time the Cathedral of St. Peter appeared in Rome, was the most impressive temple in the whole Christian world. Its height exceeds 55 meters, and the width of the dome in the girth is somewhere 30 meters. Its construction began 532 by order of Emperor Justinian I. For the construction of the Cathedral, the emperor ordered to use the best material then the marble was considered, as well as precious metals and elephant bone, as a result, the temple turned out so beautiful that the people had a conviction that in the people His construction participated in heaven themselves. The Cathedral successfully survived the 989 earthquake and the seizure of Konstantinople by Turks in 1453, as well as the fact that he was turned the mosque with an extension of several minarets. Literally in 2019, the Turkish authorities ordered to open a free museum in the cathedral.

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Until the middle of the XIX century, Topkapi Palace was considered the most important thing in the Ottoman Empire. It is located on Cape Seralon, that is, in the place where the Bosphorus falls into the Marmara Sea. After the Ottoman Empire fell, the architectural and park complex of the palace was turned into a museum, and in its expositions there are about 65,000 exhibits. But one of the main religions is the sword and the cloak of the Prophet Mohammad.

Next you will be held at the Egyptian Bazaar so that you can feel the local flavor and bargain in price for the best exotic products. The Egyptian bazaar was built for almost 70 years, and he is so huge that six inputs are being carried out inside it. Basically, sweets are sold, there are countless, coffee, spices and tea, then souvenirs - pretty good hookahs, copper turks, all sorts of board games like Narda, very beautiful dishes, home interior items, boxes, storage boxes, and colorful textile. If you wish, you can spend on the bazaar at least a day.

Well, at the end of the excursion you are waiting for a cruise on the Bosphorus. In the way you will have only one stop - the Oracle Mosque, well, and the rest of the sights you will be viewed directly from the deck. However, you will be accompanied by the whole trip, the most interesting story of a guide about the legends and facts associated with the palaces, mosques and towers, and at the same time you will admire the stunning sea landscapes. So such a walk will be completely unforgettable.

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