Why is it worth going to Baku?


Literally some more than a few years ago, the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku, but it was impossible to be called a popular tourist destination, but now everything is so rapidly changing that Baku becomes incredibly attractive for travelers. So the main city of our almost closest neighbor is actually no less interesting than many other European cities. It should be noted that thanks to the developed oil industry, Baku grows, it is good and actively developing, and in general, urban planners have ambitious plans for the development of the city. But even now Baku will undoubtedly surprise, perhaps even the most sophisticated tourists.

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Of course, the most interesting in Baku is his old town or how he is in a local one called Icheri Sheher, who is surrounded by a well-preserved fortress wall. By the way, you could see it in the movie "Diamond Hand", because in 1968 it was in Baku that all the foreign episodes of this cult film were shot. The old town has a special atmosphere, and in its cozy alleys, completely paving slaves, plumally hid small hotels, baths, ancient mosques, cafes and of course numerous souvenir shops.

Pearls Icheri Sheher certainly are the maiden tower and the Palace of Shirvanhakhov, who are even included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Despite the fact that this is the old town, but nevertheless, wherever you are not moving on it, you will see huge glass skyscrapers everywhere - the so-called fiery towers. So that on any postcards with the views of the city you can see the old town and on his background the flame towers.

These fiery towers are proud Baku - they were built five years ago and to date are the highest buildings in the city. Literally next door to these towers there is a large observation deck with which you can admire the beautiful views of the entire Baku bay. It is very easy to get there, because you will bring you there a free feature, departing from the waterfront.

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In addition to these three fiery towers in Baku there is a sufficient number of interesting modern projects. Most likely the most first of them immediately after arrival you will see an unusual building of the international airport. The cultural center of Heydar Aliyeva is also very noteworthy, in creating a project that a famous Iranian architect Zha Hadid participated. This is a huge white structure of an amazingly streamlined form with the semantic bends was recognized in 2014 the best building in the world.

However, it is far from all projects, because there is a lot of such in Baku that only have to be implemented. Now the shopping center is being built in the form of a lotus, on the shore of the Caspian Sea, the White city is growing with new buildings of a wide variety of architectural styles and appointments and the Grand Crescent Hotel is erected. After all these large-scale projects are implemented, Baku will undoubtedly stand in one row with the largest capital of Europe.

However, in addition to the pompous chic appearance in Baku, there is something to see and, so to speak, from the inside, especially since interactive technologies are used in the local museums. Therefore, it is necessary to climb the tower and get acquainted with its main legends, which are located on several floors, and then go to the steadmate halls of the Palace of Shirvanshakh, to deepen in the interesting story of Azerbaijan. Well, then go to learn modern art in the cultural center of Heydar Aliyev, in which, in addition to futuristic interiors, there are still layouts of the most beautiful buildings of the city.

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Also worth visiting the carpet museum is a very unusual building, which was designed in the form of a rolled carpet. There are copies of various collaboration schools. Also, we must strive in the city in the evening when it is dark, because the streets at this time are illuminated with spectacular illumination, the buildings are highlighted, and the fountains sparkle with such bright colors that the spirit simply captures. And they are especially beautiful at this time of the day the flame towers, because there is so quickly changing the lighting that you do not have time to follow him.

However, as in any other city in Baku, there are also its drawbacks. First of all, it is, of course, traffic jams especially in the historic center, where many narrow streets and very large challenges with parking lots. The second, which may not like anything, is an abundance of buildings. But here we must pay tribute - this is still the reverse side of the rapidly growing city, this phenomenon is massive and quite natural. More than one nuisance, those tourists who do not smoke, during a visit to Baku restaurants, may be encountered. The fact is that in Azerbaijan there is no ban on smoking, also restaurants are not divided into smoking and non-smoking rooms. So you will have to either endure a cigarette smoke in the hall, or choose a small institution or establishment on the street, where you will have less likely to sit next to smoking visitors.

Of course, a national cuisine is considered to be one of the most important advantages of Baku, which includes a huge number of mutton dishes, since Azerbaijanis can prepare it perfectly. Some dishes are perhaps well known to many of our compatriots living in big cities - it is a dolma, cybab and lyulya kebab, as well as those who are less well known and of course several types of Plov. In addition, it is worth not to forget that they are excellent specialists and in the exquisite Eastern desserts.

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As for attitudes towards Russian tourists, it is not at all feared when visiting Baku. The fact is that Azerbaijan, of course, is the former Republic of the Soviet Union, and many local residents still have the closest ties with Russia, so that Russian tourists are extremely benevolent. And in some cozy home-based institutions, you can even ask you from where you and how you liked the city, and then bring a treat from the institution. Many local residents speak Russian, well, except that young people can go into English in some situations.

Azerbaijan, of course, is a very sunny country, so when you were not going there, then you will have a high probability to catch it clear and sunny weather. The coldest month is January, because in the mountains at this time is snow, and the strongest winds are blowing around the country. Although on the coast, where Baku is located, the snow will not be, and the temperature may vary from 0 to 12 degrees of heat. This is a comfortable temperature for walking around the city. Do not want to travel around the city in the cold time - choose the warm season. For example, in April on the coast, everything is already blooming, well, in May, the present summer is beginning in Baku. Do not forget that the city is located on the coast of the Caspian Sea and in the vicinity of it are equipped beaches.

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