Thermal resorts of Israel


First of all, I would like to note that the thermal resorts of the state of Israel have long earned recognition worldwide, due to moderate prices, high level of service and unique wellness procedures. Here you can relax, remove the load of all worldly concerns, get a lot of pleasure and, of course, it can be made practically in any medical and wellness center of Israel.

Such a resort, for example, is Hamat Gader, which is essentially considered a treasury of hydrogen sulfide sources, the temperature of which reaches plus 42 plus 44 degrees Celsius. Well, after such a hot tub, it is very pleasant to plunge into the cool water, which is added aromamasla, minerals and herbs. A trip to Hamat Gader will be unconditionally interesting not only by adults, but also for children, because here are a huge zoo, then crocodiles kennel, many water slides and zirk parrots.

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The next thermal resort is called Kamey Tiberia, it is essentially divided into two zones - on an old with ancient bathing and a new one with a comfortable and comfortable spa center. There is a huge selection of procedures, interesting entertainment, both adults and children. The resort has sulphide sources that are able to heal completely rheumatism, as well as improve the metabolism, save a person from problems with the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the genitourinary system.

The resort of Khameya Gaash is surrounded by a luxurious greenery, as well as a calm provincial atmosphere, here you can restore all the vitality, as well as to charge vigor and facilitate all signs of chronic diseases. Here you can swim in the pool with mineral depth sources, as well as to lie down in the pool, which has forty thermal jets, soak up in the sauna, to visit the hot center and spa, and then visit the restaurant with useful food and dairy cafes.

The thermal resort of Kamey Joav is such a place where patients with joint problems and spine get into contact, as well as the musculoskeletal system. This resort reigns a calm and quite peaceful atmosphere, it is nice to relax and of course relax, as well as stroll through the picturesque surroundings. The resort is well developed - there are thermal pools, saunas, both dry and wet, hydromassage, spa and course area of ​​recreation and entertainment.

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SPA Center Ein-Gedi is a fairy-tale oasis, you can even say a unique reserve of untouched nature, in which the majestic mountains are leaning straight to the coast of the Dead Sea. A comfortable stay here will not only be very useful for health, but is certainly interesting. If you go for a walk, you can see wild goats and gazelles, visit the famous Massada Fortress, built in the thirties before our era, please yourself with new purchases in a rather large shopping center and generally have a great attachment in the water park. In addition to all other procedures, this resort offers all mud wraps, massages, swimming in pools and sulfur baths.

Another complex - Niva Midbar is a wellness center, which occupies a huge territory (about eight square kilometers). All holidaymakers here will certainly expect a high service service, as well as a variety of various healing procedures and, of course, a pleasant atmosphere. In this complex there are several pools at once with different temperature indicators, spa, sauna, massage room, restaurants and still cafeteria. In the sulfur and magnesium water of the source, a stable temperature is maintained from plus 40 to plus 46 degrees Celsius.

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