Where to go to Zaporizhia and what to see?


Zaporizhia is not a resort town, therefore tourists there practically does not happen. Despite this, there are many places in the city where you can go both on your own and the whole family. Very often, various thematic exhibitions are held, dedicated to certain holidays and events. They can be held in the largest shopping centers of the city, for example City Mall, the Exhibition Center "Kozak-Palace" or the House of Culture.

Depending on your preferences, you can visit art - clubs or rock clubs, where well-known groups with concerts come often. Tickets for such concerts can be booked in advance at very affordable prices, on average from 200 UAH. Sometimes open, absolutely free for visitors concerts of various directions of music.

For lovers master - classes and various trainings, events of various directions are very often held. Here you can teach to make decorative items with your own hands and open talents that you do not even suspect.

For those who prefer a cultural holiday, you can visit the theater of modern art VIE or the House of Culture, for example, Dneprospetsstal. It is easy enough to get - you can use urban public transport or taxi.

For those who found themselves in Zaporizhia with a small child also there is entertainment - it may be a campaign on a children's performance. Such events most often undergo in the Youth Zaporizhia Theater (Tyuz). If this is a warm season, you can go stroll around the city.

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Wonderful place - Alya lovers in the park. Gagarin, which enjoys great popularity among local newlyweds. The sculpture in the form of the arch appeared in the city quite recently. Kissing brightly deserted dogs attract the attention of everyone who sees such an unusual sculpture for the first time.

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Most cafes and entertainment facilities are located on the central street of the city - Lenin Avenue. Few people know that this prospectus is recognized as one of the longest in Europe - the total length is about 11 km.

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Many cafes step up with time, therefore are equipped with Wi-Fi wireless communications. For a comfortable pastime, smoking in public places is prohibited, and therefore you can safely enjoy the aroma of your favorite dishes.

Lovers of the kitchen of different peoples of the world will easily be able to satisfy their taste preferences - Indian, European, Asian and Japanese cuisine will delight any gourmet with a huge selection of wonderful dishes. There is in Zaporizhia and karaoke - bars, where everyone can manifest their musical abilities. Prices in institutions are the most different, depending on the financial capabilities you can be delicious and suited to dine both in a bistro, fast food or cafes and a restaurant.

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