Visa to Finland. How much is it and how to get?


To visit Finland, citizens of any of the CIS countries need a visa. If your passport already has an affixed stamp of any of the countries in the Schengen Agreement, the Finnish border is open to you. Otherwise, you will have to spend some time and money for the design of the Finnish Schengen visa. Citizens of Russia can independently submit documents to one of the visa centers, which for the convenience of potential tourists are available in the following cities: Moscow, Kazan, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Sochi, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladivostok , Krasnoyarsk. Reception is conducted from Monday to Friday.

You need to have the following package of documents:

1) Stamp passport The validity period that expires not earlier than 3 months from the date of the expiration date of the visa.

2) Profile filled on a computer or hand. The sample can be found on the website of the visa center.

3) Color photo on a gray or white background of 3.6 sizes to 4.7 cm. Keep in mind if the photo turned out, it is not similar to the original, then it may not be taken.

4) Insurance policy. The policy should have power abroad and cover the entire period of the visa, including the date of application.

For those who are going on a journey with a child additionally needed:

5) the child's birth certificate.

6) notarized the consent of the second parent for the departure of the child to the countries of the Schengen Agreement (if a child is going with one of the parents) or a document confirming the valid reason for the lack of consent (mother's mother's book, certificate from the police and others).

Do not forget to take a general passport with you, it will be needed to pay for the service collection. According to the information presented on the website of the Consulate of Finland from February 3, 2014, the consular fee will be 25 euros. This amount must be paid for every tour older than 6 years.

Planning a trip, keep in mind that the term for consideration of documents on average ranges in the region of 10 days. Finland is quite loyal to citizens of Russia and refuses visa extremely rarely. The main cause of failure is errors when filling out documents or false data in them. You can also refuse if it causes doubt a photo or indicated in the questionnaire sources of income.

In any case, getting the failure is not a reason to despair. The consulate will definitely issuing an official document with the indicated cause of the refusal and the validity of the visa quarantine. You can re-submit documents no earlier than in 3 months.

For the convenience of citizens of Ukraine, visa centers in Kiev, Lvov, Donetsk, Kharkov and Odessa are open. The procedure for obtaining a visa does not have cardinal differences from a similar process in the Russian Federation.

In order to save time tourists, the Visa Center Finland offers to use a record for filing documents online.

The process of obtaining permission to enter the Republic of Finland is quite simple and will not take much time. The warm relations that have developed between the countries contribute to the fact that tourists would neither bypass the thresholds and did not stand in kilometer lines, getting a cherished stamp in the passport. For those who do not want or cannot independently deal with a visa issue, in almost every travel agency there is a collection service and applying the necessary package of documents. In this case, in addition to the consular fee will have to still pay the services of intermediaries, to the choice that you need to go full responsibility in order to not stumble upon fraudsters.

Visa to Finland. How much is it and how to get? 3230_1

Visa to Finland. How much is it and how to get? 3230_2

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