Rest in Bangkok: What do you need to know?


There are such cases when the vacation time has already come, and you have not yet decided where you will go to relax. Some tourists in this case open the Atlas of the world and are looking for a suitable place there for their rest. Very often choose Thailand for this purpose, because it is a very attractive and inexpensive region for recreation. And of course, I want to choose such a city, which is close to the sea and attractions, and also suitable for climatic conditions. Many tourists usually decide to visit Bangkok because it is not only the capital of Thailand, but still has a successful geographical location. He also attracts travelers with its majestic skyscrapers along with spacious shopping centers.

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At first glance, it seems that in Bangkok, in addition to the abundance of concrete blocks and the surrounding tropical vegetation, there is nothing more to watch. However, this opinion is completely mistaken, because there are a lot of ancient temples in the city, vintage houses and various statues.

Speaking about the climate of Bangkok, we must not forget that the capital of Thailand is located in the southeastern part of Asia, that is, essentially in the subequatorial climatic belt. Also on the climate of the city, the Siamese bay has its influence, so the seasons in Bangkok are divided into hot, rainy and more cool. The hot season continues from March to May month, the rainy from June to October, well, and a cool, respectively, from November to February a month.

However, the temperature fluctuations in Bangkok are not so significant - if in December the air temperature is plus 25 degrees, then, for example, in May plus 30 degrees. The most favorable time for a trip to Bangkok is the period from November to June a month. You should not come here later than July, because constant monsoons along with abundant precipitation will completely spoil your holiday.

Bangkok is easier to get, of course, by plane. To, for example, fly from Moscow, it is necessary to overcome the distance of about 7000 km and this option is possible without transfers. Well, if you fly from St. Petersburg or some other city of the country, you may already need transplants. Bangkok Central Airport is called Suvarnabhumi and is located on the outskirts of the city. But from there it is easy to get to the place that you need on a high-speed train, or order a taxi.

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Bangkok city, as accepted in Thailand, is divided into areas that are called Kheth. So, Bangkok essentially consists of 50 Khetov, and the Central of them is considered the island of Rattanakosin. If we translate into Russian from the Thai language, it will mean "Higher Jewel". Therefore, tourists are primarily going to look at this island the famous royal palace. That's just the name of this palace such that you can break the tongue - Pirabarommakhradchawang. Well, naturally, the island is usually visited by believers, due to the presence of old temples on it.

Tourists from Russia usually in Bangkok stop at rest in Khete Pratunam, because there is a cheap room at the hotel and relax to very little money. There is a lot of need for tourists in the area - shops, markets, and so on. So, if your budget is limited, then you are best sent to rest in the Pratunas. Also among the citizens and among tourists, Khet Chieta Chinatown is very popular, since it contains the most important attraction of the country - the Temple of the Golden Buddha. Then this area is also perfect for shopping, since there are many markets and shops with jewelry, with clothing and other attractive goods.

In the Pratunam area, you can settle very inexpensively in a decent hotel, but you can also settle in cheaper hostels, for example, on Kaosan Street. However, it should be borne in mind that the living conditions there are not the best. In general, it is believed that the capital of Thailand is in fact the cheapest city in the country for leisure of tourists. For example, if you transfer to our money, then a day of accommodation in the hotel will need to pay one thousand rubles, and for the bed in the hostel only two hundred rubles.

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In addition to sightseeing, tourists can also find their entertainment in the shower. For example, go to the Amusement Park Dream World, which is just near the airport. It is very good to rest together with children thanks to a huge number of different rides. Another popular tourist destination park is "Safari World". Here it is possible at the same time for a day to consider various exotic Asian and African animals, besides them to observe the pretty marine inhabitants.

Well, in the evening you can go to the parties to any nightclub - there are simply not limited quantity in Bangkok. Also in this city you can relax on vacation and improve it, because there are many medical centers with alternative medicine. Especially good, non-traditional medicine specialists own various massage techniques, which forever allow you to save a person from pain in the spine, in the joints and muscles.

As for the nutrition, the restaurants along with the cafe in the city are incredibly many, so sometimes it is even difficult to choose which one to go. Come on boldly in any and do not be afraid for the quality and security of your health, because in Thailand there is a very strict state control over catering establishments. The dishes are here quite inexpensive, however, as well as accommodation. So in order to eat tightly in the restaurant, it will be enough for you to pay only 100-150 rubles. Well, and if you go to more elite institutions, the average check increases automatically 8-10 times.

Do not forget, being in Bangkok, about security measures. Despite the fact that the population itself is very peaceful, nevertheless the standard of living is very low, therefore, when you walk through crowded places, then beware of pockets. They are able to pull out money from any hidden place. Therefore, therefore we have large sums with you, and keep bags all the time under the supervision. Well, in hotels, too, do not relax - all valuable things are best stored in the safe. Also, do not forget that hepatitis and cholera are very common in the country, so before traveling to Bangkok is best to make appropriate vaccinations. It is also not worth drinking water from under the tap, because its quality leaves much to be desired.

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