Where to go to Italy


In such a delightful country, such as Italy is the largest number of objects included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In any corner of this country, it is possible to find works of art, stunning architecture and historical monuments.

From what should be viewed first, it is necessary to name the ancient Roman amphitheater, which is located in the city of Verona. It was built two thousand years ago, it is also called it - "Arena Verona". Despite the old age, this amphitheater is quite preserved and at the same time takes up to 30,000 people, there are still various musical ideas that can become acquainted with Italian culture and history.

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The next incredibly historical destination is the Ancient Roman city of Herculaneum, which is at the foot of Vesuvia. Another 2000 years ago, he was destroyed by the volcano eruption, but also, as the Pompeii, the city was actually mocked by a huge layer of ash and lava, so that most of the city architecture was preserved. Nowadays, in Herculaneum, you can see original renovated buildings that look absolutely as well as 2,000 years ago. Miraculously preserved ancient mosaic.

The magnificent monument of the Renaissance is the Doge Palace located in the city of Urbino. He was erected back in the fifteenth century, and in those days to 600 people lived at the same time. Now this palace is open to visit and many premises in it have been well preserved. Inside the palace there is a National Gallery of Mark, which presents a huge collection of paintings of the Renaissance Epoch.

One of the business cards of Rome is definitely the famous Trevi Fountain. It was built back in 1762 by the architect Nikolai Salvi. The composition of the fountain presents the sculpture of the Neptune God, which is surrounded by the underwater creatures warring among themselves. Among the locals and tourists there are belief that if you quit a small coin to the fountain, then you will certainly return to Rome again. In the evening, the fountain is illuminated, which turns it into a magical romantic place.

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In Northern Italy, there is a city of Ravenna, who was once considered the capital of the Western Roman Empire, and now it is more popular as a place where Basilica San Vitali is built in the VI century. Here you can admire the extensive collection of mosaics depicting various stories from the Bible. In some premises, the basilica is covered with almost every centimeter of the surface.

Basilica San Francesco or how else it is called the Basilica of St. Francis is considered one of the most significant places for religious pilgrims in Italy. She is in Assisi and was erected in the thirteenth century in memory of the Saint Francis - a simple and poor man. The Romanesque Church has two levels, crypt, decorative windows and a huge number of works of art.

Right in the historical center of the Italian city of Matera, there are incredibly ancient cavemen, which are more famous called Sassi di Matera. These are actually the very first human settlements in Italy, and they appeared here about 9,000 years ago. All these dwellings are carved right in the rocks, but the most remarkable thing is that people live in some of them.

One of the most striking examples of Italian gothic architecture is definitely the Orvieto Cathedral. He was ordered still dad urban IV in the fourteenth century. But, in order to complete this construction actually needed almost three centuries. Even today, all visitors of this cathedral are stunning seven floors, horizontal marble strips and a facade with a lot of details. In most part artistic works, which are represented in this cathedral, depicts of apocalyptic stories and various stories from Revelation. In fact, all this was done by Luka Xinorelli.

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Portofino, perhaps, one of the most beautiful cities located in the Italian Riviera. He constantly attracts tourists with his delicious harbor, picturesque green landscapes and random rows of houses located on the top of the hill, as well as the embankment. Once it was just a small fishing village, which even then was popular for centuries. Now the main attraction of this town can be called the Fort of the sixteenth century Castello Brown and the church of the eleventh century Saint-Martin.

The Basilica of St. Mark in the Italian city of Venice is definitely a crown of the square having the name of the same name. This huge cathedral was built in the eleventh century, and its distinctive features are more than 500 columns, countless by the Byzantine mosaic using gold and several amazing domes. Also in the Treasury of the Cathedral or the Museum Marciano stores a stunning collection of gifts, among which are jewels, tapestries and sculptures.

The main attraction of the Vatican, which is also located on the territory of Italy, is certainly the Basilica of St. Peter. This building is crowned with a stunning dome, whose ceiling is painted by Michelangelo. The construction of basilica at the beginning of the XVI century ended. In fact, this is a huge church, in the premises of which a space shuttle could fit together with missile carriers. Visitors are attracted here not only the wonderful facade and proximity to Pope, but also the fact that inside the basilics are sculptures and paintings that are created by Michelangelo and Bernini.

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On the territory of Tuscany is San Gimignano, which is now called Medieval Manhattan. This city is known for its stone towers, which in fact, at the peak itself, it was built over 70 to protect the city from enemies. Well, after San Gimignano struck the plague in 1348, the enemies were simply afraid to attack him. It was this circumstance that helped to preserve many of the medieval towers, but only 14 came to our days.

Approximately for 177 years, the world-famous Pisa Tower was built, but soon after the start of the construction itself, it began to bended because of poor foundation and remained unfinished almost a whole century. Then the work was renewed, and the engineers tried to build up the top, too, so that one side was above another. They sought at least somehow compensate the angle of inclination. Finally, work was completed in the second half of the fourteenth century. Since 2001, the tower is open for everyone to rise to her up.

In 79, the famous Vesuvius volcanic eruption occurred to our era. Then the ground and ashes were covered by the city of Pompeii, from that fateful day it was actually preserved in constant condition. That is, everything is all - from tables and cans along with the contents of houses and to people and paintings froze as if in time. Numerous archaeological excavations conducted for a long time gave an unusually detailed idea of ​​the life of people of the period that lived here 2000 years ago. To date, Pompeii is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Italy.

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Do not forget about such a landmark as a large canal in Venice. This city is truly considered a real pearl among all the water cities in the world. However, Venice, which survived his flourishing, later came to some decline, since tourists here are much more than local residents. The central water of this city is considered a large canal that is actually through the entire city. It can be seen during a walk around the city, but it is better to certainly admire them while being on the water. All locals usually move on peculiar aquatic trams, called Vaporetto in Venice. Many tourists in contrast to them prefer romantic gondolas or water taxis.

Remembering that it is necessary to see in Italy, it is not necessary to forget about the famous Coliseum in Rome. This is actually the largest and most famous amphitheater of antiquity throughout the world. Its construction was started by the emperor Vespasiana at seventy-second year of our era, but it was completed upon the reign of his son Tita in 80. At that time, the Colosseum was at the same time about 50,000 spectators included in the building through a huge number of inputs, which were then at least 80. From the rain and from sunlight of the audience the amphitheater defended the awnings called "Vehirium".

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