Muin in january month


It is possible to say complete confidence that a very popular resort Muin in Vietnam in January is excellent areas for recreation. Oddly, but January is considered the coolest month in the year in these parts, however, the cool climatic conditions are very difficult to name, since the air is heated in this first month to plus 29 - plus 34 degrees Celsius, and the water of the sea warms up to plus 25 - plus 26 degrees.

In essence, Muin is, as it were, a single long beach area, on the edges of which there are a large number of guesthouses and hotels, restaurants, and there is still a village in the northern part of the bay, local fishermen actually live in it. Unfortunately, the central beach of the resort Muin does not always boast some ideal cleanliness, but at the same time private beaches that belong to a large hotel are removed regularly.

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Also, January month is very popular with surfing and windsurfing lovers. But in the first and in the afternoon of this month, the sea behaves completely differently - if the wind is moderate in the morning, then a strong coast wave may well appear after dinner, which is quite characteristic of the South China Sea. And the closer in the evening, it is essentially the wind becomes stronger. That is why Morning Watch is most suitable for newcomers and for learning them to new items.

By in January, you can visit several interesting festivals at once. For example, a two-day street food festival. He enjoys incredible success in tourists, and at the locals, which is completely no wonder - after all, such a huge variety of dishes are represented by their attention. Street musicians play and generally creates a festive atmosphere, which likes absolutely everyone and young people, and solid tourists, and families with children.

Also, for January, the Vietnamese New Year may well come true, he is called Tet here. All locals are most carefully prepared for the upcoming holiday, and in this regard, it immediately becomes clear why the new year familiar to us, which we celebrate on December 31, is actually ignored in Muin.

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Literally 2 weeks before the onset of the nearby of many homes in Muin, however, as well as throughout Vietnam, tangerine small trees are exhibited in pots and more pots with some high yellow flowers. This is a kind of analog that resembles our Christmas tree. Moreover, Vietnamese believes that the more they bought pots, the better for them and the commemoration of their families will be held the coming new year.

For a holiday, a tete is categorically forbidden to kill animals, but nevertheless, the Vietnamese is completely calm and without a branch of conscience, they are prepared on the table stewing meat with rice and all sorts of different soups from dried pork skin. In addition to these dishes on the festive table, there must be traditional Vietnamese sweets that caring hostesses are wrapped in a banana leaves. The very festive day of the Vietnamese usually congratulate each other very loudly, sing songs on the streets, just like we watch festive TV shows, go to each other in families and almost having fun until the morning. At a minimum, such a celebration can last 3 days, but most often the pleasure is stretched for two weeks.

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