Azure harmony


Azure is a good option for tourists who go to be alone with nature and relax from noisy megalopolises. Such a spa village in which it is possible to relax and degrade your infinite working gallop. In the future, with sufficient investment, this area has enormous potential. Now the tourist business is only going to your feet there, so we did not expect a service from the category "all inclusive."

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Housing can be chosen over the Internet to your liking. The azure is quite developed by a network of private households, because many residents live all year on their earned money during the recreation season. We booked a house with all amenities and went to our way.

Our trip took place at the end of July, so to speak in the very summer peak. But any inconvenience, for the week of your stay, we did not feel. Owners are adequate people, which is important for a pleasant pastime. The sea was five minutes walk, which was also a very rainbow nuance. There were good impressions about the beach zone itself, although there are shortcomings over the correction of which, I think, not one person worries. It would be possible to put more tanks for garbage, although the spreading of Sora after honor does not make anyone, even in the absence of trash nearby. There is already a matter of culturality and education, in the extreme case you can pick up litter with you and throw away in the place allotted for this, and not dig minks in the sand.

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The sea itself is variable and unpredictable, like any element. There were a storm, and the calm, and jellyfish, but we didn't get upset from this. From every moment we tried to extract the maximum pleasant. Can I argue, they say that enjoyable in swimming together with contemporary creatures? But here there is a way out - swim away, they mostly focused near the shore.

The most amazing spectacle is dolphins who walked closely to the shore. Coming better in the morning, if you want to look at these amazing creatures and it is better to grab a plaid with you, as it can be cool in the morning. The coast dispersed a lot of entertainment establishments.

My husband and I rode the bananas and water bikes - adrenaline was enough for a long time, especially a large amount of it was thrown into the blood during a swolling from a banana. They saw deltaplaneers, but decided that we would like to live a little more and postponed the flight to the next convenient case.

Holidays brought me pleasure, perhaps also because I was with my loved one. So here he is the main secret of a successful weekend - a pleasant company. Surrounded by loved ones simply do not pay attention to the minor flaws and enjoy every minute of vacation.

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