Kit Dominican Republic


Even the airport in Dominican Republic meets you so much welcome that even the lost baggage will not be able to upset) a review formally about Santo Domingo, but we visited several cities in two weeks. Naturally, due to its proximity to the airport, Santo Domingo was the first. And we started not from the hotel, as you usually make the right tourists, and how foreigners come from February in summer - immediately from the beach. Boca-Chika Province Beach, a small suburb of Santo Domingo.

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Three kilometers of the sun and joy (exactly the length of this beach) is a worthy reward for the tedious flight and a few months without vacation) the beach is huge, probably therefore it did not seem that there are many people here. White sand, cafes, locker rooms, all the benefits of civilization, the water is crystal clear. The only nuance - in order to swim on the Boca-Chika you need to go for a long time, the coastal strip of depth of no more than 15 centimeters)

From here we went to Casa de Camp, in our plans there was no stop in Santa Domingo for the night. In Casa de Camp, we rented a two-story villa, for this price everything is expected well: rattan furniture, lovely interior items, a variete of bedrooms and your pool. Bonus to all magnificence - silence and virgin nature.

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The beach has an international environmental certificate, it has a special blue color flag, which confirms that all quality criteria are met.

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That's just here you can safely swim in your pleasure. All movements on the territory we carried out on the car, which also rented. The cost of rent depends, as elsewhere, from class class, starts from $ 40, it is possible without collateral.

One of the most vivid impressions is a meeting with whales. In order to look at them, we specifically went out into the sea. The spectacle is great, see China is a big luck, they do not come to work, the ocean is big) but we ended up very much lucky, we met with him.

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The spectacle is remembered for a lifetime when you read about the volume of whales in fact, still do not realize the scale. Actually in the Dominican Republic can only go to see it.

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