Useful information about rest in Tikirov.


One of the most picturesque and beautiful resorts in the Kemer region can rightfully be called Tecirova. In addition to the surrounding mountains covered with dense forests, a beautiful beach and crystal clear seawater, the uniqueness of the village transmits the view of the highest mountain on the coast of Takhtaly, in ancient times called Olympos, the height of which is 2365 meters above sea level.

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An excursion to this mountain is quite popular among tourists holidaymakers in Tekirova, since this village is closer than others to the top of the mountain and delivery to the lower platform of the teleferra takes no more than ten minutes.

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Almost all hotels in Tekirova are very comfortable and luxurious relevant categories 5 *, with the exception of several fourths that are not very inferior as service and service. In almost every hotel, the staff talks or at least understands Russian. Possessing English knowledge in some cases you have an additional trump card. As for the orders, firstly at the resettlement on arrival at the hotel usually put 10-20 dollars, which speeds up the settlement process and makes it possible to get a more comfortable room in terms of location. You can give a little dollars to maid for more thorough room cleaning. If there is a hookah in the hotel, thank the hooker and it will serve you on the highest category. Cases of theft in hotels is quite rare phenomenon, but still take place, so it is better to leave valuable things in the individual cells that provide the hotel. Animation and entertainment programs in hotels are quite diverse and interesting for this reason in the village itself, in addition to cafes and restaurants, night clubs and discos are practically no.

If we talk about the comparison of Tekirova with other resorts of the Kemerian region, then I will have praised the most calm and quiet resort. Previously, ten in the morning on the streets of tourists almost does not happen, and in the evening after ten streets will be empty again and for eleven o'clock in the evening, all the shops are already closed. Operate only cafes, restaurants and markets selling food.

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If there is a need for the Internet, then Wi-Fi works in any hotel. You can only need to get a network access code from the hotel staff. You can also access the Internet in one of the street Internet cafes. Telephone communication Using roaming will work with you for a while, but if your phone is not registered in Turkey, after a few days it will be blocked and you will have to either buy a Turkish phone, or call the taxophone. Phone lock is a kind of combating mobile phone smuggling. Therefore, if your mobile communication is needed, you should think over this option and paying some amount of money to unlock your phone to work in Turkey.

On the territory of the village you can move on the bus by the Ringing between Antalya and Tecirova. He drives throughout the village and stops at all hotels located here. Travel through the territory of Tekirova is two lira or one dollar. This bus can be reached by Kemer or Antalya. Travel from Tekirova to Antalya costs 20 Turkish lira and take the time of hours and two hours. Many tourists use taxi services, the fare of which within the village is five dollars.

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If necessary, you can use the services of the post office, which is located in the center of the village at the administration building. There is also a large selection of ATMs of various banks of Turkey in which you can withdraw cash from your account. There are ATMs and Sberbank of Russia.

The local population is pretty friendly to tourists, although of course small conflicts arise. This is due to more with the not very decent behavior of some tourists who have taken extra on the chest. Therefore, if you do not quite control yourself after adopting alcohol, it is better to stay in the hotel's room and not to look for adventures offending others, it will save you from unnecessary problems and from meeting with law enforcement. With normal behavior, no one will touch you, as rest in Turkey is considered one of the safest.

Do not forget that in accordance with the struggle against smoking, in the territory of Turkey it is forbidden to smoke in premises and some public places. The stipulated penalty for this violation is about $ 35. If resting in a cafe or restaurant, during meals you like to smoke, choose a table on the terrace or street, and not indoors.

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Another advantage of tourists coming to rest to Turkey for the first time. Medicine in Turkey is expensive and your insurance does not apply to the consultation of a doctor who often has to use different reasons or due to adaptation to climate. Consultation of the doctor costs from 40 to 80 dollars, so it is better to have a first-aid kit with elementary medicines and antiseptics, as well as with drugs that you need for treatment. Drugs in the pharmacies of Turkey largely have other names, and the staff of the pharmacy does not always speak Russian.

I think these elementary tips will use you and make your stay more comfortable.

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