What is interesting to see NIDE?


Of course, amazing places that Mother Nature created, along with a man on the globe, is very much. One of them is certainly considered to be Nida - the corner of the Earth, in which some unknown forces were able to put people in extreme conditions, but nevertheless they continued to live in them and create.

Nature forced these people to continue to retreat in the mainland to the north, because there were no essentially on bare sands. Local, so to speak, original fishermen, Kurshi, despite everything, they were still able to arrange their life right on the sandy edge of the coast. The construction of Nida was continued on the Kurschi forces, which today is, probably, the most, large settlement located in the area of ​​the Curonian Spit. It's nice that the color of the original culture of these smokes is perfectly preserved in here and to the present day.

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Dune Parnyjio, which is a unique creation of winds and the sea, rises above its level at an altitude of 52 m. Here, residents have equipped sundial and sightseeing platforms, from which you can gladly admire not only the surrounding landscape of Dunes, but also by the sea, and pine thickets, located on the shore. Tourists who come here, and numerous travelers can observe how the sun rises in the morning as if from the depths of the sea, and how at sunset it seems to be late in the sea.

Another attraction of Nida is a lighthouse, which is located on a sandy hill at an altitude, approximately 900 meters from the coast. The date of construction of this lighthouse is 1874, and its height then made up 23 meters, but unfortunately the Second World War went through these places, significantly destroying the beacon himself. He was blown up by the retreating German troops, but after literally for several years he was again restored, only his height was already 29.3 meters. Currently, all vessels are successfully used by this lighthouse. It is naturally marked by almost all shipping maps.

Also an incredibly awesome natural object located in the area of ​​Nida is the dune of Parisidis, the name of which is translated from Latvian about this - "Running through Nida." The fact is that under the action of wind, this very sand dune moved several times in the territory of the city and back.

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This dune because of her harsh species there is still a second name - "Lithuanian sugar". Currently, overview platforms and sundial are equipped on top of the dune. Only on sightsets can be reached exclusively on special tracks. The fact is that scientists who explored the dune, installed in order that the person who rises or descends from the top of the sandy mountain, inevitably leads to movement all the absolutely layers of the dunes that naturally can contribute to their movement. It is here on this dune and there is a lighthouse, with which sea vessels lay their way.

Note is located a very interesting private gallery museum dedicated to the sea-amber. Here the richest collection of copyrighted decorations made by the hands of local masters is presented. All this magnificent collection of amber products was collected by the family of Mizgirov, and if desired, you can buy any of the things you like.

There are also samples from raw amber having just amazing colors. The museum's courtyard is extremely noteworthy with a very cozy décor, which, as if invites everyone to spend time in it in silence and solitude.

It is not surprising, but in Nida there is a museum and a cultural center dedicated to the German writer Thomas Mann, who lived in this city at the cottage built by him like the fishing houses Kury. Writer-winner of the Nobel Prize arrived in Nida in 1930. He lived in the house in which this museum is now and is located until 1932. Here they were written by the book "Joseph and his brothers", obtained from a writer under the influence of the atmosphere tested by the atmosphere of this seaside town. In the cultural center of Thomas Mann, the evenings of classical music and poetry are often held, which are organized for local residents and for tourists. Not far from the Museum of the Writer Nowadays, a guest house was built, in which, if desired, travelers can always stop.

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We must certainly visit the Note very sacred for Kurshean - Mount Witch. It is here that on the hill, which received such an unusual name, the pagans of the Kursch in ancient times worshiped the forces of nature. This place was not so long been equipped with local wood masters. All sculptures that were installed here are reliably transmitted not only the lifestyle, but also the morals of the ancient currency. To get on the mountain of witches, it is necessary to rise to a height of 42 m in a narrow winding path between the pines somewhat.

Of course, one of the most popular attractions of Nida is the natural exposition of the dancing forest. Directly from the city here in this forest is laid the road. Local residents were not in vain called this forest dancing, as all trees have a kind of shape, and no one can explain what it makes it makes itching every pine from all those growing in this place in the Curonian Spit. Almost there is not a single tree here, which would have a direct trunk. Despite the pretty oppressive aura of this place, this kind of frozen trees dance attracts tourists from many corners of the earth, they do not even stop the fact that in this forest there is no singing of birds and there is no negle.

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