Nihao, Light Edge or Short Essay on World Chinese Slovers - Hainan


On the edge of the world, as the island of Hainan is called, there is even the same attraction - the park "Edge of Light", a ticket for a visit between other dollars worth it) to look for this fabulous amount you can beach, huge boulders, chaotic on the shore and in water and crowds Chinese. In our opinion, nothing special.

Much more interesting in this sense, the center of Buddhism "Nanshan", here millions of tourists go to pray the goddess Guanin. This is a really impressive sight: after the gate, right from the beach in the water leaves the road-bridge on a round bulk island. On it on the background of the sea rises the majestic sculpture of the white deity.

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It is believed that this giant statue of Guanin protects Hainan from Typhunov and Tsunami. The pleasure is not cheap - the ticket is almost 23 dollars, but worthwhile - here is very beautiful.

Note that all signs and the board at the airport and in transport in Chinese and people around you will mostly local - residents of China, and they most of them do not know either Russian, nor English) we managed Google-Translet, but it too It turned out not easy: you speak English, Google translates into Chinese. Then the reverse chain. As a result, the meaning of the dialogue to put it mildly is slightly distorted)

The Chinese are popular with Hainan as a health resort. Massage services, acupuncture, rejuvenating masks, various grass, ointments, and other things in excess. The budget of events ranges from 5 dollars to infinity.

Here, by the way, in medical centers, we came across several times with Vasili, Alexey and other indigenous residents of China, feeding weakness to Russian names, and besides the names, they were also nice to be the fact that they spoke very well in Russian.

What should be sure to try from a local dizzying assortment of medical procedures? Do not risk with exotic names: for them can hide and jumping the skin, and massaging the back to blood with glass jars, and other unexpectedly unpleasant surprises) Take the traditional massage for 20 yuan or the point massage of the feet - it is useful and safe.

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They drew attention to the fact that in urban parks there are a lot of free simulators, mass makers and they actively use. And, you know, the audience looks very cheerful and active. Several times we paid attention to the proceedlessly funny people of elderly - a kind of marker of a higher level of health of the nation.

As it turned out here there is a village of long-livers - those who have passed for 100 people live in it. These are not specially born from all over China's long-lived, this is a natural habitat, so to speak. They do not just live in an ordinary life and even allow themselves to be bad habits.

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The long-livers themselves explain this phenomenon by the fact that they have clean air and miraculous water on the island. Scientists studied local water and concluded that it actually possesses certain outstanding qualities: particles of the magmatic rock are dissolved.

Stunning kitchen, we are madly love seafood - here they are preparing divinely and they stand in comparison with Europe or Moscow - a penny.

Another characteristic feature is clean beaches and sand. The only thing that is a little embarrassed is the Chinese sit / lie on the beach in clothes, they are afraid to sunbathe, and we in beachwear felt a little wrong in our plates.

We do not know reliably in what the secret of Hainan, but people here are happy and our aftertaste from rest here is pleasant - I wanted to return more) We recommend to visit.

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