Croatian assorted: How we changed split)


Initially, we planned to spend all vacation in Split. The city was impressed, but time for visiting we chose not the most successful: August in Split this guaranteed crowd of tourists.

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The view that Croatia is an interesting and quite civilized resort originated not from scratch: Greeks, Romans, Venetians, Austrians for 2500 years managed to make split a unique monument of history and architecture. For example, the Roman emperor Dicletian in 305 built a sewer, plumbing and heating, which until now the city continues to successfully use. It is natural that many tourists from all over the world want to visit split and see all of the above) all of the above)

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Waving in Split and making an unambiguous conclusion that we want even more impressions. We went to see the famous lakes and waterfalls in Plitvice.

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I am so hardly recommended by Plitvice, you just need to visit this local attraction. Here you can walk on the routes (length of about 19 km) or to ride a wreck:

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We took advantage of the road train twice, our plans did not have to run 19 km at a time. But, nevertheless, be prepared that a walk through the upper lakes is 5 km, and at the bottom of the promenade stretches for another 4 km)

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The top of the lakes are relatively deserted, people are not so much, but below, where the kinds are more beautiful and the people more) so that you understand the scale of this "more" to say only that we met even a person on crutches and in the gypsum, and how many mothers were with wheelchairs and Slings! ... That is, tourists here are very, very much, and in the high season I would basically risen here to go here) For the whole walk, we spent 8 hours, they drose here. The menu was that we had folded in their backpacks in advance) there are tables and arbors here, so the meal was quite civilized)

The beach in Split is normal, the water is clean, but do not forget that the Adriatic Sea is cool. And also a nuance: the beach is certainly cleaned, but I would not risen there to slap with bare feet: take the coral slippers. Still, resting here too much overwhelmed and except for sea ends, there may be broken bottles and other unpleasant surprises. But you will agree, it would be somehow strange to visit the coast of the Adriatic and not find the beach for yourself) and we found it, the small town of Primosten pleased us. The primary task was to visit the oyster farm (the price for 1 oyster is 6 kun), and in the way we found the most pleasant beach for yourself in Croatia:

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What conquered us in Primoshtina is visible not by armed with the eye: Tourists zero whole, zero tenths, magnificent view, transparent water, purest sand:

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A trip to Croatia left ambiguous impressions: from the minuses - too many tourists (which for August the result is a lawsuit), from the advantages - climate, nature and prices. Minus is easily leveled or even turns into a plus to the right choice of vacation time. We simply planned the next trip to Croatia for April) So we recommend from the soul)

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