How much will rest in Siem Ripe cost?


Cambodia - Paradise for a budget tourist, everything is very cheap. Consider the main work coverage articles:

1.) Housing

Accommodation in Siem Ripe is available to any wallet, the city actually consists of one hotels. Prices in guest houses start from $ 8 / day per double room with fan. In two-star hotels with air conditioning, it will cost 15-20 dollars / day. In five star hotels, prices start from 100 dollars and higher. More details can be found on the website and choose a hotel for comfort and pocket.

We stayed in a small hotel Angkor Vattanakpheap Hotel - ordinary typical "Trochka". Hotel in colonial style, with wide wooden stairs and long corridors, worth $ 30 (with breakfast).

How much will rest in Siem Ripe cost? 3181_1

Since the hotel we did not plan to sit, then in order to spend the night more than suitable. We were two, but settled in a tripfer room with air conditioning and a TV. The room is clean, tidy, combined, laid out the tile, bathroom. It is noteworthy that the shower is not separated by a septum from the toilet, everything is poured right on the floor. In all hotels with Siem Ripa, oddly enough, there are free Wi-Fi, the code will be given in the amateur.

2.) Transport

City public transport peculiar. Familiar to us minibuses and buses you will not meet, they are absent as a class. At the same time in Siem Ripe it is not customary to walk. The most popular transport is motorcycles with two-wheeled trolleys (Tuk-Tuk). With the driver can be explained on the "broken" English. A small ride around the city will be 1-2 dollars.

If you plan an excursion to Angkor yourself, it is recommended to rent a Tuk-Tuk. The cost for the whole day will be 10-15 dollars. The passenger car will be more expensive than $ 20-25.

3.) Food

In Siem Ripe, there are plenty of restaurants with a variety of cuisine: Thai, Khmer, Indian, European. The average budget breakfast will cost 2-3 dollars. I'll tell you how to go in the evening for dinner. The Sophea Angkor Pich restaurant (cost about $ 20), which works on the principle of the buffet, has its own show program in the form of the National Khmer Dance "Apsear". These dances are an integral part of Cambodian culture. Girls dressed in national costumes are slowly moving under monotonous swelling music. Representations usually start at 19-00 and last about an hour.

How much will rest in Siem Ripe cost? 3181_2

4.) Excursions

One-day ticket to Angkor is $ 20, three-day - $ 40. The temple complex is open to a visit daily, 365 days a year. Getting started from five in the morning and up to six evenings.

To the lake Tone Lesap is better to ride a group to rent a pleasure boat. By 6-8 people will come out dollars 100.

How much will rest in Siem Ripe cost? 3181_3

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