Geographical center of the boot or why from Siena "fly" to Viterbo)


A small essay on how good and pleasant can be spent vacation in July, visiting Italy.

You can love or not to love wine, but with a probability of 146% anyone who finds out the legend about this particular drink will taste it) We did not just try, we sake it in the July heat in the Great to the town of Viterbo)

So, a few hundred years ago, the German bishop of Johannes went to the coronation of Emperor Henry V. Upon arrival in Viterbo, this valiant minister of the cult was stopped to survive in one of the tavernes. And I must say that Johannes knew a lot in life and had one very useful tradition - if in the institution he was given a good wine, he wrote a short one with a short one, but the Cream conclusion is "EST"! In one of the institutions, a miracle was happening - the minister of the cult was submitted such wine that his inscription read literally the following: "EST! EST! EST"! Solding such a wonderful drink Johannes decided that the coronation was not so important as the process of consumption of nectar sent to him by the Most High) Two years he drank this divine drink daily, and feeling the approach of death, left the testament - every year on the day of its birth to water his burner of this Drink.

Under such introductory conditions, as you understand, we simply had to try this wine. By ordering lunch in one of the pizzerias, we finally touched the beautiful, here it is our cherished - EST! EST !! EST !!! Di Montefiascone.

The waiter, by the way, perplexed about our choice, because in his representation of the tradition, there is no obstacle, and according to the tradition of pizza with tomato, it is necessary to consume with beer, and not with wine. Strange people, around them the divine drink by barrels, and they drink me in a beer)

Geographical center of the boot or why from Siena

Should I ride a heat to try this variety of wine? Of course. This is one of the best impressions of Gourmet from Italy, we are very grateful to the late Johannes, because we consider it to discovery where to significantly than the achievement of Columbus)

Nearby is a picturesque lake with a decent beach, people were a bit despite the heat.

Geographical center of the boot or why from Siena

Called Lake Bolsena, 370 thousand years ago, as a result of the volcanic eruption, a crater was formed, which now turned into a completely pleasant water.

Geographical center of the boot or why from Siena

Nearby is located near and the towns of Orvietto, where everything is as always in Italy - the hill, narrow streets, towers and, of course, the stunning imagination of the Cathedral, the facade of which is considered one of the greatest masterpieces of the late Middle Ages. By beauty, it may well compete with the best form of Florence. See yourself, it's great:

Geographical center of the boot or why from Siena

Summarizing, it can be said that the trip to Tuscany on bicycles in July is not for a timid, afternoon here is hot. But we shamelessly bathed in the fountains and were lying under the plane owes, which made the trip romantic and allowed the heat to relax with comfort and benefit.

Does it make sense to circle on the numerous towns of Middle Ages? If in love with Italy, art and history, then what thousands of times - yes!

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