Who needs to go to Rhodes (review of different resorts)?


Rhodes Island is an island part of Greece. Rhodes refers to the group of Dodecanese Islands, and it is the fourth largest. Along the entire coastline, the island is the main road, which begins and ends in the capital of the island, the city of Rhodes. Another island is interesting what is washed by two seas, completely different in nature. From the southeast, Mediterranean is splashing - more relaxed, the wind is here, the guest is not frequent. From the North-West - Aegean. The wind is shown here, almost constantly, there are waves, almost always. But still leave the geographical features of the island. Now we will return to the city of Rhodes, let's try to find out who from tourists in Rhodes to live well?

Feature: From the port of Rhodes, Turkey, district of the city of Marmaris, is visible, the distance is 12 kilometers. Regularly in Marmaris and back the boat, naturally carry someone. Is it possible to visit Marmaris to Russian tourists, did not find out, but it would be interesting. From Greece, at leisure, go, go shopping Marmaris. Who owns information, write.

The city is more suitable for a funny, youthful holiday. For lovers - there is a casino. Hotels - for every taste. Call programs yourself. Restaurants, cafes, bars, there are many, literally at every step. You can choose, probably any kitchen in the world. But we are in Greece. Greek wines are excellent. In local barrel wine is a special fragrance. Disco and nightclubs, probably, on every street of the city. In the morning and day, numerous excursions come, from all cities. By the evening, the excursions travel around, young people pour into the street. And the city begins to "light up"! I do not think that people with young children are suitable for rest here. Everything about what is being spent here, only my opinion. Next, virtually, we are going through the Mediterranean coast.

Next stop - Faleractions. That's where to go with children! Rhodes coastline, mostly rocky, the sea beaches, pebble. And Faleraki Beach - Sandy. Probably, this is the only paradise of sand. Entrance to the sea, just for the younger generation. All major hotels are on the first coastline. For children there is an amusement park and a good, large water park. Along the hotels there is a long street where you can buy everything, from souvenirs, fruits, to clothes. Here, in the Water Park area, there are several "fur coat" stores. Faleracks are notable for being somewhat apart from the main road of the island. Tourist buses going to the city of Rhodes do not visit here. And if, somewhere you need to go, from here there are regular buses to Rhodes and Lindos.

Next stop, a small, quiet place of Kolimbia. This is a green village with excellent approaches to the sea, and around the mountains surrounded by mountains. Next to her are the famous Ept Piez (seven sources). This place is one of the sights of the island. In Kolimbia there are only 6 large hotels. And yet, one of the features of Rhodes is that near 4-5 star hotels, there are 1-2 stars, equipped with private modest buildings, several ascetic, not offering a star set of services, but budget recreation they guarantee.

Next, come to Lindos. This is an old city having a centuries-old history. It stands on the shore of a very beautiful, horseshoe bay. If you look at the city from the road, it turns out not a city, in our understanding, but just an illustration for a greeting card.

Who needs to go to Rhodes (review of different resorts)? 3176_1

The city itself, from the Middle Ages, has not changed his image. Everyone trades here and everyone. Starfish, large shells, ceramics, olive oil, spices, all this, and much more, for a successful life in Russia, you can buy here. Rest is focused for those who decided to fully "catch up with" souvenirs. Many young people are filled with discos and nightclubs. But on the "ignition" inferior to Rhodes. Tourist buses are visiting only to the city trading part, so, Lindos himself, quite suitable for family holidays. Reover Lindos, and come to the most amazing place of the island ...

Beach Parasonisi. More famous called, "Kiss of the two seas". Here are two seas, washing island - Mediterranean and Aegean. There are also several hotels, cafes. But the main note is a sandy braid that shares the two seas. The name of this place was the island of Parasonisi.

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Moreover, in the tide, it is the status of the island, and in the tump, turns into the peninsula. That is, before it can be reached, but I do not advise. Greek authorities, and so went to meet tourist business, without closing this place to visit. The fact is that the island is based on the largest Greek base of the Air Force. Only here, you can compare the characters of the two seas. With the same weather, the sea is completely different, and in character, and in color. Mediterranean, left, calm, blue. On the left, Aegean, color turquoise, on it waves, and over him the wind. The wind ends exactly on the spit. The right, the Aegean side is occupied by paraglides. On the left, the Mediterranean wind is not. But let's leave the wind to professionals. How many can, with an interval of 5 minutes, swim immediately in two, such different seas? Move to the Aegean Sea. Our way back, towards the city of Rhodes.

North-West Bank, not very designed to relax, soon, for inspecting the beauty of the island. Before the proceeding of Rhodes, large tourist zones are not detected. The shore for some buildings is not convenient. And so, to Yalissos.

Yalissos - Rhodes suburb. This is one of the largest tourist centers of the island. All Yalissos works in the tourist business. There are a lot of hotels here, and somewhere, the coast, 10 kilometers, is given for tourists. The outskirts of Yalissos, the village of ICSIA, too, paradise for skayerfers. There are international competitions in sailing sports. By ordinary tourists, it remains only to be third-party observers. But in Yalissos there are several profile clubs. If you are a riding master on a board, under the sail, you just have to come here

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