Where better to rest on Hainan


It doesn't matter how many countries you have already visited and at how many resorts were resorted in our lives, anyway, if you arrive in China and rest there, it will certainly stay in your heart forever. Of course, the most popular destination for recreation in China is the tropical island of Hainan, where you can endlessly admire beautiful landscapes, getting safe on the gentle sun and even get acquainted with the history of one of the most ancient civilizations of the world.

Sanya is actually considered one of the main resorts of Hainan Island and is located in the southern part of it. Thanks to the fresh sea breeze, the climate is much softer here, so the heat itself is soleal here much easier than in other parts of the island. It is best to rest with family couples with children, as well as those who love to ride on excursions, do diving, surfing and paragliding, as well as fans of marine fishing and shopping.

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Tourists with great pleasure here are visited by the monkey island, the Buddhist temple of Nanshan and the Ethnic Park "Betel Nat". The resort is relatively inexpensive and the infrastructure is well developed, here is a decent choice of housing and quite a lot of all sorts of restaurants with very delicious seafood dishes. The minuses include what hotels are located across the road from the beaches, and the water here is not so clean as in other resorts.

Sanyavan is considered on the island of the biggest bay, it is great for a beach holiday. Here you can relax at all inexpensive. Right along the beaches stretches the string of hotels, restaurants and shops. Almost all the coast here is covered with little beige sand, and for the convenience of holidaymakers, swimming places are fenced with buys. In addition, there are decent sizes of shallow water, so this place is also perfect for a children's holiday. The pros will be attributed to the proximity of the airport, and the minuses are the fact that strongly flows occur here periodically.

The resort of Dadonghai is located about three or four kilometers from Sanya. It is believed that his beaches are the most beautiful on the whole island. Here you will meet a lot of our compatriots - families with children and older tourists. Since the coast of Dadonghai is constantly blowing strong winds, he simply adore surf fans. Prices are quite moderate and very pleasant here that in the resort you can see a lot of signs in Russian, and the staff of hotels together with workers of restaurants spoke quite well in our native language. Due to the fact that local residents are very loved here, the beaches are very often (especially on weekends) are overcrowded. Well, another minus is that during the storms the sea throws all heaps of algae ashore.

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Yalunvan is considered an elite resort of the island, and it is located twenty-five kilometers from Sanya. Here is the purest sea and very picturesque sandy beaches, stretching in length for seven kilometers. Luxury holiday connoisseurs will be very popular with local five-star hotels and a wonderful service. The resort is generally considered expensive. Transfer from the airport only forty-fifty minutes. Stores work in the resort and here you can even visit interesting museums, but for night entertainment it will be necessary to ride in Sanya.

There is a very small bay with a purest blue water and a snow-white sand between Sanya and Dadongham. This resort is called Xiaodunhai. It is perfectly resting to people of older and families with children. Prices are more or less acceptable. It's nice that even in the midst of the season here is usually not so many tourists. And besides, excellent conditions have been created here for a comfortable beach holiday.

Thirty-five kilometers from Sanya in the northeastern direction there is a very popular resort of Qinsuyvan (Cup of Pure Water). Local unusually spacious sandy beaches, beyond any doubt, enjoy lovers of a secluded rest, as well as fans of water entertainment. There are expensive hotels here, and very budget apartments. Oddly enough, foreigners here are very few and mostly the Chinese are resting here. Accommodation prices can be attributed to average. The entrance to the water here is very small and the depth increases somehow gradually. But there is a significant minus - on the shore of tourists, sandy fleas with midges are pushing with midges, so without repellents do not do here.

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The resort Hightang is also located on the shore of a very beautiful sandy bay of thirty kilometers from the Sanya resort. All twenty-five kilometers of this coast are covered with a quartz golden sand. This bay was famous for its picturesque coral reefs. Therefore, of course, it really likes to relax fans of diving, snorkeling, kitesurfing and windsurfing, as well as ordinary beach holidays.

The water in the bay is so transparent that it is visible even from the depth of ten and fifteen meters. Recreation here with great pleasure ride hydroscuters and go to exciting sea walks. Tourists adore Highing for his excellent transport accessibility, for privacy and space. And his green airborne territory resemble real beautiful parks. The only disadvantage of this resort is quite dangerous jackhafts.

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