Traveling to Bedouins in the Negev desert


In itself, the concept of the desert is already fascinating. At the same time, it seems that there may be interesting, sand, sand and again the sand. But, despite the possible disappointment, we went to the tour to the Bedouins to the Negev desert. They brought us to the desert, when already evening, so we did not immediately notice the beautiful landscapes, but a warning guide about warm clothes was felt enough. As soon as the Sun village, we put on all warm things, because The temperature sharply decreased, almost to 0 ° C. Although the day reached 20-25 ° C, rested at the end of February. Arriving we left things in an incomprehensible structure similar to a huge tent for the military. On the floor lay rolled mattresses and sleeping bags, as it turned out where we, then and spent the largest team (person 40). The beginning was little rainbow, but more pleasant moments expected. In a tent, no less than a big dinner was covered right on the floor on special litters. The huge plate lay meat, vegetables. Near the pellets lay. From one plate eaten 4 people, this is romance. Dinner seemed to me insanely delicious or, though it was, or we were very hungry. But, and then we were invited to the next tent for entertainment. There, who wanted, was until the morning, listening to the singing of Bedouins and drinking delicious tea, which was constantly broadcast on trays. Spent as killed, not feeling cold. The guide woke us, probably, hours at 3.30 and we are sleepy silently followed him. It seemed to the time stretched painfully for a long time, but in one moment we just wallensed seeing how the Scarlet Sun rose from that edge of the earth. I have not met anywhere else anywhere else. Then we had breakfast, hygienic procedures, by the way, everything is provided for tourists and even shower with hot water. We then rolled on camels about an hour, lunch and bus in Jerusalem. These two days flew on one breath, but there are still enough impressions for a long time.

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