Where better to relax in Malta


Malta is a truly unique state, incomprehensible effects of European, Asian and even African features. And all this happened thanks to the favorable geographical position of this country, which was always at the intersection of all sorts of trade routes. Today, Malta is an excellent place for conducting educational tours, the passage of language courses and schools, for a beach holiday, and also if desired to participate in archaeological excavations.

In any way, divided Malta to popular and not popular destinies for rest is very difficult. For example, in the capital of the island usually come to culturally entertain, walk and ride on excursions, and it is also possible to learn something. Saint-Julians town, who was previously just a fishing village, is now a cozy seaside resort. The day the tourists simply do not fit on beautiful beaches, and in the evenings and even at night they indulge in the casino and in the nightclubs.

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Slima with full right is considered a fashionable and luxury resort, full of elite shopping and entertainment. Well, Melliha, Mdina and Marsascus will more like the tourists who adore long walks, inspiring landscapes and a quiet measured environment.

Goszo Island is one of two islands that are part of the Maltese archipelago. According to the ancient Greek myths, it was on this island in captivity of Nymph Calypso spent seven years Odyssey. In order to relax on this island or just admire his sights, you must first make a small journey on the ferry.

The beaches on Grozo island are extremely diverse. Here there are very popular beaches with red sand, cozy coves with beaches, pebble, scenic rocky and just sandy beaches. True, not all of them can be easily shifted. The island has a lot of historical attractions, such as the Megalithic temples of Jagia, who scientists today consider the oldest buildings in the world. In addition, on the island there will be something to do lovers of dive with scuba. The best places in this regard are the beach of Schland and the inner sea.

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The capital of Malta is an excellent valette always attracted tourists with their historical and cultural attractions. This is one of the most ancient ports of the European continent, in addition, it is in this place that the biggest bay formed by naturally is located. There are a lot of museums, historical and architectural monuments, and of course in Valette, many tourists with great pleasure are engaged in shopping.

In the medieval city of Malta Mdina with his old buildings, the time as if stopped somewhere in the Middle Ages. It is like a real open-air museum and here you can simply wander through the streets and admire the architecture perfectly.

Sliema also used to be a simple fishing village, and now it is considered a real Mecca of the Maltese elite rest. It is along the coast in Slime are the most expensive and prestigious hotels, there are a huge number of all sorts of boutiques and shopping malls, as well as restaurants and bars. Well, naturally there is also a lot of all kinds of historical sights.

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