What excursions worth visiting in the UAE?


The United Arab Emirates includes seven emirates. Before the country's unification, these were separate principalities, after the adoption of the Constitution, the principalities became referred to as the Emirates. The UAE includes seven Emirates - Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Ras El-Khaima, Umm-El Caivine, Fujairah and Sharjah. According to the total area, the country takes 110th place, 86 thousand square kilometers. Population - 8.5 million people. This is about 100 people per square kilometer. I cite these encyclopedic information so that you are the scale of the country. Take the population density, 100 people, ok, but do not forget that about 80 percent of the area, it is a lifeless desert. All life is focused along the coastline of the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean. Many many are mistaken, counting the capital of Emirates - Dubai. But the political capital of the country of Abu Dhabi, the largest Emirate area, about 88% of the country area, and employs 35% of the population. And Dubai - the economic capital, in the area - 5%, and the population, more than 35%. Therefore, the Emirate of Dubai, closely on his land, and there began to expand, creating one of the main attractions, bulk islands, in the desert of sand and stone a lot. So it was "made" the island of Palma. You arrive in Dubai, and in other Emirates, consider it a duty to look at this miracle - a man-made island. Moreover, there are not just at home, but skyscrapers.

Here, we smoothly switched to the topic of the story, excursions. Not in vain spoke about the size of the country - day availability by bus from any emirate, as well as from Dubai - to any emirate.

If you relax in Dubai, Palma Island enters a sightseeing tour. Excursion from other Emirates in Dubai, also will not walked to their attention island. And great, if you dare in Dubai, you will not be in some, let a good restaurant, but on Schoon, in the palm tree bay. Hence the skyscraper corkscrew.

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Of course, you are lucky if your hotel is in Dubai. You will have more opportunities to see the city, not running, but calmly walk on a huge Dubai Mail, repeatedly see the Fontanov show.

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But Dubai does not represent the whole country, and not everyone can afford to rest on the first line of hotels Dubai. Excursions, it is secondary, you came to rest. Personally, I do not understand and do not accept, on vacation, get to the beach by bus, or on Dubai metro. Okay, let Dube women save on excursions and further, let them go to rest from megacities in Super Megapolis. And we, people feel easier, rest in the same wonderful hotels of other Emirates, good, there are six more.

I do not know why, but in all the emirates are offered, albeit very rich in the choice, but similar excursions. With the choice they will not get bored, from any emirate. Here are some interesting.

"Six Emirates in One day." This is an amateur, or when it does not satisfy the weather. Depending on the quantity of those who want, a jeep is offered, or a minibus. Russian guide. Communicate the whole country (remember what the country size is said at the beginning. The excursion is very interesting, informative, neither on one, let the super profile website, do not recognize more than from a conversation with a professional, plus a brief stop on one of the beaches of the Indian Ocean, for lunch and bathing.

"Waterpark Ice Land" in Ras Al-Khaima ". Who has children" sane "age, that is, not babies, very advise. We rested in Ras Al-Heima, it was 10 minutes drive away from us, entertained independently . Tale !!! Very advise.

"Mountain Oasis". In the north of the country there are Khajorsk Mountains. In them, the real ancient oasis among the wild mountains. Untouched civilization. It is located on the territory of the neighboring Oman, but there is no custom transition, the border is purely nominal, you will see. I asked those who traveled there, wasn't it wary of the time? No, everyone is very pleased, a guide is very praised. In addition, it is possible if you can say, and in Oman I was too.

"Excursion in Al Ain". Trip to the ancient city. Not touched by civilization the old city, against the background of modern metropolis. Visit the acting camel market.

"Indian Ocean". They took this excursion themselves, together with another married couple, with whom they met at the hotel. On a powerful jeep, a trip to the youngest Emirate Fujairah. Ocean - ZTO something! This is not the Persian Bay. White sand. Rare, but powerful waves. Optionally, not deep immersion. Primborn giant turtles. They are already accustomed to tourists, they became almost manual, swim in the category and raise treats. And even, allow you to ride, not riding them, and holding the shell, near the head. And, after all, what cunning, while you are holding, do not dive. Forget the expression like a turtle, ocean turtles, row only.

These excursions are not cheap, but there are spent money. Impressions remained. But after all, the Emirates are the country in which there are not every day, you can afford to pamper yourself.

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