Karlovy Vary - Journey with health taste.


I have long dreamed to visit such a Balneological resort known to the whole world as Karlovy Vary. My interest was warm and the fact that many great people played here at different times: Composers Ludwig Beethoven and Frederick Chopin, Father Psychoanalym Freud, our unforgettable Secretary General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, Karl Marx and many others. Even Peter I once had long honored this cozy Czech town, in the middle of which a small river flows:

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I was lucky to wander through the beautiful respectable streets of Karlovy Var in early April, the weather warmly did not please, but the resort did not experience the lack of recruiters and correcting health, as it is possible to receive the procedures in local sanatoriums and you can notice a unique healing driver all year round.

Surprised a large number of Russian-speaking resort workers, did not think that there would be so many. Sometimes even the feeling arose that I am not in the Czech Republic, but somewhere in Pyatigorsk. When you go to colonnades with mineral water, on the road, then there are street musicians there, among them there are those that perform in Russian. My husband and I enjoy listening to one man with a well-posed voice, performing the most popular romances of Alexander Malinina. I am not a fan of the talent of this singer and in the usual life I do not listen to him, but in the entourage of the ancient beautiful town, every building of which the thoughts of the past times, aristocracy and balls, the romances about the guiltle of Galicin and Corn Obolensky sounded very organic.

For obvious reasons, people at the age of age, from fifty years and older, are resting in Karlovy Vary. Naturally, there are exceptions, all the same now is actively promoted by a healthy lifestyle, so traveling "on the water" becomes popular and among young people too.

The main occupation in the town is unhurried walks along the streets, considering the showcases of numerous boutiques, visiting a colonnade with healing water. The obligatory point is to visit a bureaet with a source called "Geyser", which is not difficult to work in a colonnade, which is called - geyser. They say this is a very spectacular spectacle - a powerful stream of mineral water is broken regularly from the state of the earth to a height of about 12 meters! But we could not admire this idea, since on the days of our stay at the resort "Geyser" was closed for repairs.

But we were plentifully in the city and his closest neighborhood, faded with fresh air, considered the most famous sanatorium Karlovy Var - "Imperial" and "Thermal", got drunk mineral water. At this photo depicts one of the colonnade of the city, for which it is very nice to walk:

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By the way about the water, it is necessary to drink it strictly on the recommendation of the doctor, which he gives after the inspection, otherwise it is possible to get no benefit, but quite tangible harm. The doctor prescribes the amount of water, calls the number of the source from which it must be obtained (this is important, since mineral water in the sources is different in the composition, and at a temperature, and by influence on the body), says how long it is necessary to eat this water consume. In our case, the consultation was carried out in Russian.

Everything (and my husband and I and my husband and I, including), drink from the original circles with thin spouts, which they buy right in Karlovy Vary and then take home as a cute souvenir. Store this water and dictate with them about the supply is meaningless, as it very quickly loses its useful properties.

We also did not bypass the Museum of Becherovka, dedicated to the history of the famous Czech liqueur, infused on herbs.

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Rest in this respectable, comfortable resort town, of course, I liked you with my husband. We returned home to the expensive, smoothly, and the most pleasant memories and original mosses for mineral water remained in memory.

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