Should I go to Adler in winter?


Recently, many of our compatriots have already come to the conviction that it is very good to relax in Adler in the winter. It is very comfortable here at this time and it should be noted that winter has already ceased to be in Adler with the inconceive period. By the way, very many skiers stop here, which came to ride in the Red Polyana, because the prices of Adler's hotels are much lower and the transfer takes not so much time.

The weather in Adler in the winter is very comfortable - the temperature here almost never falls below +5 degrees, and in January-February months, the thermometer usually shows + 10 ... + 12 degrees, which is quite suitable for pleasant walks in the fresh air. There are really rain, so the umbrella is better to capture with you.

Should I go to Adler in winter? 31580_1

The advantages of the Winter Adler will certainly be attributed to low prices for accommodation. For about seven hundred and eight hundred rubles, you can safely withdraw a decent room for two without breakfast. Well, if with breakfasts, then it will be necessary to pay at least one and a half thousand. Also, it is also possible to add the fact that in the winter in Adler there are absolutely all stores, cafes and restaurants.

Some complain that in the winter in this city there is very deserted, but, in my opinion, it is the opposite of the advantage - there is no crowd of people and all sorts of tents with beach facilities, so you can safely see the city in all its glory.

But you can safely inspect all his most remarkable places. Go first to the adler market. The products you see here are brought here not only from neighboring Kuban, but also from Abkhazia, and from Turkey. Pay attention to how skillfully local sellers create bizarre patterns from the goods sold. From the diversity they simply run out eyes, well, the smells are simply driven crazy. So I want to buy something.

Then you can go to the "Plaza" shopping center. There you can cool time - buy something for a personal wardrobe, watch a movie, snack, repair something from clothes, go to the pharmacy and buy products, if there is such a need. Then you can stroll through a democratic street, which you will get straight to the sea.

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On the way you will see a cute temple of the Holy Trinity. It looks beautiful both outside and inside. And then, when you start moving on, a cute Square Northumes-Marlinsky square will be before your gaze. He was planted and equipped here at the very beginning of the twentieth century. Square carries the name of the Decembrist and a publicist writer who died here in 1837.

As a result, you will fall on the Adler's embankment, which looks somewhat deserted in winter, but still charmingly. Of course, tourists are much smaller, but still they are. No music is heard, but the noise of the surf is clearly audible. Parks walk, walk mammies with wheelchairs and cyclists ride. By the way, in the cafe on the embankment, you can have a snack and admire the beautiful seagulls. And if you're lucky, you can see dolphins.

Then the shopping center "Mandarin" will come to you - this is the real city with many labyrinths. That there is a concert hall, swimming pool, observation tower and a whole bunch of different cafes. Well, and then, if you are not yet tired, you can walk in the park "Southern Cultures". Even in the winter it is very beautiful here, well, if you suddenly get here at the end of February - early March, you can catch the flowering of magnolia sullary. This is just an amazing spectacle.

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