La Spice: Cute Town with Beautiful Port


We chose the spice for inspection of the Chinckwe-Terre National Park. This is perhaps the most comfortable city to study the beauties of Liguria. There is everything you can need a tourist: many places to stay: supermarkets, market, cafe, beautiful promenade and streets with fashionable boutiques. Land in spices was not bad thought. If it were not for one but! We did not see on the map that our apartments are located in the mountains!

La Spice: Cute Town with Beautiful Port 31573_1

Spice, albeit a rather big city, but only one bus went to our city, and he ended the movement at 20-30. It was extremely not comfortable, because after walking on Cinkwe Terre, I wanted to walk on the spices, dinner in a cafe, go to the embankment. So, we had to walign the imfilad of steps every day almost a kilometer. If you settle in spices, then carefully read the reviews! It is not worth sharing on the mountain.

La Spice: Cute Town with Beautiful Port 31573_2

The most profitable, of course, closer to the station. And the most beautiful on the waterfront by the sea. Near the port of spices, where cruise liners come, it is very pleasant to walk. There are very cute houses, built at the beginning of the 20th century, with beautiful galleries, there is a spacious seaside boulevard decorated with sprawling palm trees, and a public park with a mass of green plantings and alleys with sculptures in the style of ancient Eldla.

La Spice: Cute Town with Beautiful Port 31573_3

Of course, the most tourists come to a spice to inspect the famous Park of the Pent of the Pyndavely (Chinkwe-Terre). Therefore, special points (a lot of them) are opened at the spice station at the sale of tickets to these places. Casses wear a sign of Cinque Terre Point, and in the morning a lot of queue is built. But you should not worry, the service is very fast. Tickets are sold for one, two and three. Cost, respectively, 16, 29, 41 euros. This includes: non-limited passage on electric trains of the Regionale class, tracking on open tourist trails, Internet access from all areas of the Cinque Terre region. The distance you can drive on the day is not limited between spice-slender spice. So, ride your health, how much your heart!

La Spice: Cute Town with Beautiful Port 31573_4

Despite the excitement around Ginckwe Terre, we still devoted spices for some time. The city definitely stands inspection. Here you can admire only the castle on the mountain, port, sea, beautiful buildings, but try the excellent Mediterranean and Italian cuisine. What, and for, and pleasant catering establishments are enough here! We gladly tried a pasta with seafood, roasted squid, Italian cheeses, and, of course, local wine.

La Spice: Cute Town with Beautiful Port 31573_5

For shopping lovers - here too, there is something to do. Main Street Spice - Corso Cavour, full of luxury shops! The spice made a pleasant impression on us, and by convenience, this town is the rightmost. From here it is easy for you to enjoy the trips to the most time the towns of Italy, including Florence, Lucca, Parma, Pisa, Portofino, Rapallo and others.

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