By car in Montenegro


Montenegro Sightseeing Tourist Reviews

No one is a secret that our tourists have already mastered such countries with beach recreation as Turkey, Egypt and Croatia. But what did they get as a result? Turkey has greatly treasured in price, Egypt is mired simply in some military conflicts, and Croatia introduced a visa regime. Thus, in search of a country with inexpensive recreation and impressive natural beauty, our tourists began to look closely at the visa-free Montenegro.

Our family in this regard did not exception, we decided to go to rest in Montenegro, which Europeans are better known as Montenegro. So the circumstances were that we were able to relax this summer in Montenegro for a whole month. True, we managed to look at a bit, but even it was very impressed by us.

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My husband and I came to the conclusion that Montenegro - this is essentially something among Bulgaria and Greece. Language In principle, Slavic and often in speech slip the familiar words. And sellers, and the waiters are gradually talking in Russian, only now in the hotel with service personnel, we still had to speak English, but I think that they will quickly learn.

First of all, we went to inspect the Mausoleum of Peter II of Lesha - the ruler, the poet and Metropolitan, during which there were excellent relations between our countries in the first half of the nineteenth century. Since he means the same thing for Chernogorstsev, the first is the first for our people, we advised us to visit his mausoleum, located on Mount Delchen. With his life, he often visited there and in privacy indulged. It is in such a form and captured his sculptor.

From the mountains of Delchchen, by the way, the magnificent view opens - on the one hand on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, and on the other hand the city of Cetin's former capital. Now it is a very calm, quiet and secluded town, while remaining the spiritual and cultural center of the country. There are several museums, the Royal Palace and a very famous Cetinsky Monastery, where believers from many countries of the world go to worship the Design of the Bible of John the Baptist.

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Also on the territory of the former residence of Peter II, we have seen a unique volumetric layout of Montenegro, which was completed at the beginning of the last century. Looking at him immediately becomes clear why this country is very often called Montenegro (translated from Latin means "country of black mountains"), since the greatest part of Montenegro is high mountains.

Then we went to the northeastern part of the country, so that with our own eyes to see the canyon of the famous Tara River, which is considered the deepest in all of Europe and the second in the world. This river simply adore rafting lovers and do not miss the opportunity to fuse on it.

Then we went to the largest freshly lake in Europe - Skadar, where many aquatic birds live - Pelicans, Choys, Baklanov and other representatives. True, before you get to the lake, we had to get a lot on serpentine mountain roads.

Also, we could not go around the amazing and beautiful island of Sveti Stefan. True, as it turned out, it is quite difficult to get there, because the locals have long been extremely made their homes and moved to other residence, and on the island now only hotels, and even the luxury restaurants and now only go there. Parking is also paid, so I put the car, and all on it.

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Naturally, we could not drive by the wonderful Gulf, which is essentially considered the southern fjord in Europe. In fact, it was once simply the river bed, but the words "fjord" in this case sounds romantic. If you rise to some of the mountains surrounding the bay, then from there are awesome views of two ancient cities - Kotor and Perast. And there is also a resort of Herceg Novi. In general, it is safe to say that this is the best place to stay in Montenegro, because there is a special microclimate and there are still beautiful views there.

We visited the somewhere - the city, which gave the name of the bay. In general, he is so old that it was still inhabited by the oldest tribes BC. All tourists who arrived here immediately come delighted with the medieval part of the city with her palaces, narrow streets, cathedrals and amazing authentic houses, somehow incomprehensiblely joined straight on the slopes of the mountain as the swallows nests.

We visited the Maritime Museum and met there with the history of navigation and found out a lot of interesting things. And then we rose down the steps to the mountain along the fortress walls. The rise takes about the time about an hour, because there are a lot of steps! We rose to the very upper point - the fortress of St. John and loved the type of kotor and the whole bay.

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Then we moved to Perast - another very old city. On the way, the village was passed with an amazing name - "kindness", there once lived the famous gold mastering, and the sandy beaches are more popular, because in the district mostly pebble. Perast some miraculously dismantled for himself from the mountains approaching him from all sides.

There is still an artificial island, with which a beautiful legend is connected - the sailors found on the reef icon of the Mother of God, who heard all the suffering, poured the island and built the church there. For this, they threw stones into the water and set up the old and of course enemy ships. The tradition of this lived to this day - on the Fascinda holiday, all the townspeople float with the stones to the island on the shields decorated with branches at sunset of the day.

Well, the last point of our journey was the resort of Herceg Novi - the city of "Thousands of Steps", because here it is necessary everywhere or climb, or go down on them. There are many sanatoriums and popular spa procedures, for which many vacationers come here here. Well, the city roads are reminded at all some mountain serpentines. The city is very beautiful - we liked. Like Montenegro in general!

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