Entertainment on Sri Lanka


Every year more and more tourists are sent to relax in the distant and beautiful Sri Lanka. It is noteworthy that it is relatively inexpensive to relax here, and at the same time the quality of the local beaches is not at all inferior to the best resorts in the world. But when a beach vacation begins to bother a little, it is always on Sri Lanka than to have fun - for example, you can always go on some interesting excursion.

Children will be very interesting to visit the Pinnavel's elephant nursery, which is near Kegal. There you can not only admire these cute animals, but the caretaker is allowed to feed the kids from the bottle. With great pleasure, the children travel to the fret of the farm near the capital of the country and go to the sea walk, during which they admire blue whales and dolphins.

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Also in Pinanower there is a zoo, in which there are lives in the open space as animals of this habitat, and from other places. There are water parks on Sri Lanka, where children can be brought. Only, they are still better to visit on weekdays, because there are many locals who prefer bathing in fresh water on weekends, and not in the sea. Of course, they are very far from world standards, but there are very worthy places where you can have a good time. In two hours of driving from Colombo, LEISURE World Water Park is located, where there are not only water entertainment, but also all sorts of different rides, a very cozy and small water park "Isha Water Park" can be found in bisps (this is about half an hour from Trinomale) and There is still a water park in Hikkaduwe.

For young people on Sri Lanka, the main view of the entertainment is nightclubs. The best of them are naturally located in the capital of the island and at the popular resorts of Unawatun and Hikkaduwe. Some of them work constantly, and others only for certain days of the week. In principle, many prestigious hotels have their own nightclubs.

Women on vacation usually most interested in shopping - it is usually the main entertainment. As for souvenirs, the choice of them on Sri Lanka is not just huge, but super huge! However, in addition to them, on the island, it is quite possible to buy and very high-quality clothes, both of both local production and very well-known brands.

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Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are trying to bring an incredibly popular batik from the island, leather products and of course precious stones. The best stones usually buy in Ratnapure, in the same place, by the way, you can find out how they are mined and treated. Also in Colombo, several large shopping centers are open, which can be visited if desired.

Representatives of a strong sex as entertainment on Sri Lanka are primarily going on fishing - even on the marine, even on the river. In coastal reefs there is a very large number of plankton, and he, in turn, attracts such types of fish as a tuna, mackerel, Marlin and many others. In numerous lakes and rivers, Sri Lanka are found in the big guards, Chinese carp, Smeegolov fish and so on. Some of the island hotels are mainly located in its southwestern part, often offer their guests a trip to deep-sea fishing.

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To note especially gambling holidaymakers - casino works on Sri Lanka, so you can try your happiness directly on vacation. The best of them are of course are in the capital. Well, the very first place in popularity among entertainment on Sri Lanka is safari on elephants. Such pleasure costs about thirty dollars per hour, and many tourists are happy to go to Safari in the jungle or mountainous areas of the country.

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