What to bring from Brest


Tourists are usually from each country in which they visited something and bring. From Turkey, textiles and skin, hookahs and tobacco are brought from Japan, from Japan, all different techniques, from Spain, beautiful wines, from Goa Spice and Rum. And what can I buy in Brest? Yes, almost everything! And maybe even a little more.

The pride of the Belarusian Republic is definitely high quality flax. So, first of all, pay attention to it. What is not sewing from it here! It is also bed linen, clothes, and all sorts of napkins, and extraordinary beauty towels, of course. Moreover, note that linen products serve unusually long. And if they are also accompanied by the National Belarusian Embroidery, they will generally be the center of your home collection.

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Those who are afraid to acquire home clothing should pay attention to the Belarusian ceramics. After all, clay dishes will always come in handy in everyday life. And here it is made exclusively according to old technologies, and it is also painted manually. Also very popular here and straw products are charms, figurines made by skillful hands with great love. If you want a more solid gift, you can buy furniture from the vine. It is not only extremely beautiful, but also eco-friendly, durable and durable. And the prices for it, by the way, are quite democratic.

The unique style, emphasizing the taste of the donor, of course, create pleasant little things from natural materials - dolls in national clothes, wooden boxes, bark tusks, cutlery and so on. Undoubtedly, local products from crystal and stained glass deserve separately attention. Create from these materials. Local craftsmen are literally everything - from gorgeous stained glass windows, to tiny figurines, well, about all sorts of vases and wine glasses do not even mention, because they are generally masterful.

If we talk about sweets, it is necessary to buy an extraordinarily delicious cake "Berestye", which is considered a real business card of the Berestian Baker's plant. This plant works in Brest since Soviet times, and by the Millennium of the city, this very cake was launched here in the city's festive packaging.

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That's what you will not be able to buy in any country of the world (except Belarus), so it is socks in a tin can. They are released only by the Brest Breaking Combine. On the eve of large holidays, usually appear on sale limited series with a special thematic design - for lovers, for defenders, for lovely ladies, and so on.

Also, a very exclusive Brest souvenir will be "flashlight buttons". The fact is that the lamprik is one of the attractions of this city. Since 2009, he is not looking at the weather, despite the rain or snow goes outside, and after the rise on a small staircase lights up in the morning, and in the evenings, kerosene lamps in the lanterns on Soviet street quench.

So, in the city there is a long-standing belief that it says that if you make a desire and at the same time hold on to the button of the lamporian, it will certainly come true. Well, in connection with this, enterprising craftsmen began to sell these the most buttons in gift wrapping.

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You can also bring milk products from Brest, since it is here that one of the leading dairy enterprises in Belarus. Products called "Savushkina Product" is valued not only in the territory of its country, but even abroad - in Russia, in Bulgaria, in Ukraine, and so on.

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