Net Majorca


Mallorca wanted to get long ago. They attracted feedback on rich infrastructure and beautiful beaches, but at the same time, several strained reputation relative to the activity of all kinds of minorities and the volume of drug turnover. However, the familiar employee of the travel agency proposed to consider the resort of Alcudia, far from mainstream and quite acceptable for family holidays. Having all the pros and cons, agreed. And did not regret.

Three and a half hours in the air, and here it is palm tree. Before entering the landing, the liner made two circles, and it was possible to look at the coastline well. The result instilled healthy optimism regarding the quality of the upcoming rest.

From the palm tree - the capital of the Balearic Islands - to Alcia, we delivered us a transfer bus. The path went through the whole island, and had the opportunity to consider the life of rural residents who defeat the heat with a limited amount of water to grow corn and breed olive and fruit gardens.

In Alcudia, rather, Port Alcudia We arrived at dusk - the sun sits down early enough, hours at 8 pm, so an overview of all the surrounding charms was moved to the morning, and we were limited to dinner at the hotel. The buffet was surprised by a variety of hot dishes, salads and seafood.

Such a picture opened at 7:30 am from the balcony of the hotel room:

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Feeding, we approached the rack and asked how you can get to the beach. Two options were offered to choose from: from the entrance to the minibus is completely free guests can deliver to the center of Port Alcudia, from where 5 minutes before the beautiful beach in the Maldives style. When unwillingness, you can simply go through the road and go down the stairs - there you can bargain on the shore of a small bay. Chose the first, and after 7 minutes we were already in the area of ​​the yacht club.

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Walking along the embankment, we turned out to be in the Maldives of Paradise - it was a small bay with a sand strip of the width of meters in three hundred.

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The sand was petty and golden, the water is calm and warm, slightly cooler air. The entrance is gentle. The light smell of iodine felt, but he absolutely did not confuse.

Along the embankment, the local craftsmen from the sand built impressive designs and were embarrassed by Nevtibay - passing by tourists actively, as a sign of talent confession, left near the works of the beach art of the coin.

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The main water entertainment in the demand of youth was hire kayaks. Whole groups of boys and girls traveled along the bay coast, stopping for snack near numerous coastal bars

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The next beach on which we visited was Playa de Muro. It is located from Alcuia 15 minutes away by flight bus, in the zone of the National Park, through which the road goes to it.

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Passing through the dunes, you find yourself on the shore of a beautiful bay with a sandy beach of a dozen kilometers long

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The sea is shallow and leads to the memory of the Baltic States ... with a temperature difference of 15 degrees on the Celsius scale.

According to the advice of the hotel neighbors, the next place of our visiting was the Cape of the Window Meeting - the Formenistra. This is the northernmost point of the island, and you can get there either by a regular bus or on a pleasure boat. We chose the first option and rolled on a beautiful mountain serpentine - in some parts of a narrow road captured the Spirit.

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The beach itself was pleased with clean water and hanging pine branches over it. The beach is free enough, only three times a day for 40 minutes it is filled with tourists arrived on the boats.

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Now focus on excursions.

First of all, it is worth visiting Alcudia. It is 2.5 km from the port, and you can go there by bus or taxi.

The city was built in the Middle Ages and is surrounded by a serf wall that has been perfectly preserved.

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Old narrow streets are protected from direct sunlight with the walls of medieval houses, and it is very comfortable to walk even at lunchtime.

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The city has a hypermarket and the market - the surrounding population rides in them for purchases, since prices are much lower than in the resort area.

Also, I also advise you to take a tour of the Palm - the capital of the island with a visit to the monastery in Valdemos.

Palm. Port.

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Medieval castle

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And here goes a corrida

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In the center of Palma can be rocked on this carriage:

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Cathedral. To one of his chapel put the hand of Gaudi.

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Valdemoss. In one of the three-room keels of this monastery, he spent the winter in Mallorca Chopin and Sand.

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Once at three o'clock for visitors, a forty-law concert from Schopin works is arranged.

Separately focus on transport. The island is most convenient to move on the flight buses. Taxi is expensive, and the railway has only one king.

You can rent a car. Unlike continental Spain, the fleet is quite diverse - besides budget Christmas trees, Rhombikov, quotes and stripes for 35 Eurockers per day, you can take business class cars or sport-kara like Porsche, Ferrari and Lambargini. If, of course, you are ready to part from 800 euros per day to use this pleasure. Given the fact that limitations of speed on the roads, even the best, - 110 km / h, and there are a lot of downgraded signs and sleeping policemen - pleasure, in my opinion, is very dubious.

Regarding the shopping, we were warned before departure - prices bite, and it is better to postpone such before the visit to continental Europe.

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