What is worth buying in Kemer?


Kemer is the center of his region by the number of shops and shopping center ranks first of all resort villages from Antalya to Tekirova. Antalya in this list is not included, this is a separate story. According to this, all leather, textile, jewelry and other centers from surrounding villages carry tourists or they themselves go to Kemer.

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Since gold prices have recently increased in Turkey, the demand for jewelry has decreased significantly and buy decorations exclusively due to the fact that the models in oriental style or peculiar and unique beauty can not be purchased or found in their homeland. As for leather centers, their products are still popular with tourists from the CIS countries and the choice of these centers is large enough. These are like Denver, Ottimo, Tiger, Solen and others. The choice is large enough, but the starting prices are also translated. Therefore, it is necessary to bargain very well and perhaps you will be able to take a jacket not for $ 900, as it is written on the price tag, and for 250. But if you frankly talk, then in the same Istanbul you can take a similar model much cheaper. If it seems like everything is clear with the skin, then buying a fur coat should be extremely attentive. Many fur coats are carried from China, although they advertise both from Canada and Greece. So this Chinese fur coat can be used in the homeland, and for the same money, and even cheaper. Therefore, the quality is simply necessary. And one more advice. Buying jackets, doubles or fur coats try to choose the size without subsequent redistribution. If this model is not required, then do not leave money for the product for the promise to adjust the thing under the desired size. Alternatively, it may not be quite successful, and back to you no longer returns money. This is telling you on the basis of repeated complaints of tourists. And the fur coats, which were shoved on the display cases of the Antalya Sun in a year, begin to raise and bald, this is also one of the problems faced by buyers.

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There are in Kemer and the corporate store of the Turkish clothing manufacturer for children and adults Vaikiki. A rather popular and well-known firm not only in Turkey. These are things of very good quality, but the choice in the Antalya store will be more, and discounts with sales in Antalya more interesting. Also in the city there is a Migros shopping center, but it differs from similar in Antalya, where a large number of outlets of various firms are located on a huge territory, and its range is mainly food and some consumer goods.

In addition to major centers, in Kemer there is a huge number of small shops and entire passages with trading pavilions, which sell things, souvenirs, household appliances and much more. Also in great demand are shops specializing in the sale of various exotic spices and famous oriental sweets. 99% of tourists are not leaving home without buying Rakhat Lukum or Shcherbet, whom the huge range is there. Many tourists who were especially arriving for the first time, surprise that in high temperatures, sweets are stored not in refrigeration chambers. I want to immediately calm you that this is a normal phenomenon, and after storage in the refrigerator, the same Rakhat Lukum loses its properties and taste. Therefore, for those who did not know this will be a lesson that it is impossible to store Rakhat Lukum in the refrigerator.

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The same percentage of tourists does not leave without souvenirs. The latter for the last few years use magnets for refrigerators with the image of Turkey resorts. Probably there is not a single tourist who visited Turkey does not have such a souvenir on his refrigerator, and for friends and close, such a gift is in the first place in the souvenir list. There was no interest in hookahs, which also willingly buy holidaymakers. True recently, cheaper models began to sell Chinese production. And good Turkish or Syrian hookahs stand from about $ 100. Almost in all stores you can pay a bank card, although cash is caused by the greatest interest of sellers. You can also rent money from the cards in ATMs, which are exhibited on Kemer's streets.

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In addition to shops, a food market is open in Kemer on Mondays, where you can buy any fruit regardless of the season. In the market prices for vegetables and fruits are significantly lower than in street shops. And on Tuesday, a worn market comes, where you can buy a variety of goods. But by order of the Kemer authorities, due to the discontent of store owners, the price of the market approximately correspond to prices in stores, so it's not worth counting on free, and it will not be able to exchange a defective product as the Bazaar comes once a week, and a week later you will be forgotten Even if you manage to find the seller.

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I think that my tips will help tourists correctly approach shopping resting in Kemer. And one more advice is finally. Buying one thing or another thing to remember that in 95% of cases no one will return money for the goods in the event of a return. Can be exchanged, but money will not give away. Your indignation and references to the law on the rights of consumers are not interested in anyone. Therefore, then to do not spoil yourself a holiday and nerves immediately check the quality and integrity of one thing or another and in advance. Decide you need this thing or not. As many now they say that you need to sleep with this thought. So, at first, buy, then buy, it will be the best option. I wish you good luck in shopping.

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