Cyprus, Limassol


Good day.

I want to share your impressions of the rest in Limassol, Cyprus.

I will say right: the tour was chosen from the so-called "burning and inexpensive". And they did not lose.

First of all, I want to notice that a visa-free regime between Belarus and Cyprus is absent. But, if there is an open and "printed" multi-sized Schengen visa, a separate Cyprus is not required. What we took advantage.

Rested by family (two adults and child 13 years old). When choosing the hotel was guided by the price / quality ratio. As a result, on the recommendation of the employee of travel agencies, three stars with half board (breakfast + dinner) were selected on the second coastline. The center of Limassol was far enough, which, however, was for the better.

We now turn to the rest.

It should be noted that Limassol, in contrast to the ah-anappa, the city is Russian-speaking. Most holidaymakers are citizens of countries previously included in the USSR. From the local population, a significant part speaks Russian freely, so there were no problems in communications.

To move along the island, you can use the car rental - the fee for renting a compact car about 25 euros per day. But! It should be noted that the movement on the island is left-sided, which causes some discomfort from our driver. According to the hotel guide, six out of ten car rental on the first day enters an accident. Taking into account the fact that the aborigines when choosing a speed regime are guided, first of all, the number of stallions under the hood - I will easily believe. Therefore, public transport was chosen for travel - the interval in the schedule of buses next to the coast is small - 15-20 minutes.

Let's go to the beach holiday. Beaches in Limassol sandy. And the sand is volcanic, dark gray and even almost black. It is said that it has healing properties, due to which some resting sufficient time plunges in it almost completely.

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Beaches well-groomed, in 10 days of any garbage was not observed. Apparently, utilities are well coped with their responsibilities.

Along the entire coast, at a distance of two hundred and coastline meters, a stone mole is coming. It protects against the waves and filters most of the sea vegetation, endowed the wave ashore. In the area of ​​the mole, sea turtles are actively present. Sometimes you can see how meters twenty from you flooded the sheath with an inverted bath and a head with a soccer ball. Reptiles behave non-aggressively, but I don't advise you to try to ride them. In the evening they begin to swim to the shore, but they do not go to the land.

Water is pretty clean and warm. The optimal time of staying on the beach is from 8 to 11 am. Closer to half a day it becomes quite hot, so it is logical to spend in a hotel room with an air conditioned on. If you wish, you can dine in one of the many coastal taverins -

There you can taste fresh and roasted fish.

From the beach entertainment there are aquabiki, parachutes, bananas and a local chip - hunting for octopus. Animator at the first acquaintance describes this procedure as follows: you are putting into the boat, they give in the boat, take the boat to the octopus, throw in the water, and then - as a map falls: or you are octopus, or octopus - you. But this is a joke. Everything is much easier. You are delivered to you with a push, where these mollusks live in a fair amount, and give an hour to attempt to catch. In the case of a positive outcome, you take pictures for the fee, and the octopus is released back. Taking into account the characteristics of the self-defense of these creatures, the photo may turn out in ink tones.

It should be noted that Cyprus is the country oil-producing. Active work on the shelf is also conducted in the area of ​​Limassol, therefore, from the coastline, you can observe the mining installation and tankers waiting for the bunking. But on the purity of coastal waters does not affect.

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Along the sea, the area of ​​the city is equipped with an embankment with palm trees, which can be stroll to the pre-hour hour. If you wish, the walk can be combined with bathing - the beaches are equipped with everything necessary for the overlap. Again, there are bars in sufficient quantities. Taking into account the fact that the average temperature in Cyprus in July rolls over 40, and the humidity is high enough, it is relevant.

The city center pleases the eye of a variety of architecture - you can meet both Christian churches and cathedrals and minarets.

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Non-bulk facilities also please the eye with their diversity. Numerous pointers will lead to a commercial quarter, replete with stores of famous brands as a budget class and high fashion.

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Assortment and prices are quite acceptable.

It should be noted that the standard of living of Cypriots is high enough compared to Turkish, Thai and, moreover, Egyptian. Therefore, the lips of each tourist, even living in a five-star hotel, should not be expected. To which we, in principle, did not expect.

Along the entire coast, you can find a large number of entertainment establishments - discoprograms replete with speeches of Russian performers. In particular, the Monatary program was held near our hotel (it seems that his name) and a few more pop div, the names of which, alas, did not remember.

In general, rest was satisfied with the rest. Of the advantages, I want to note the language comfort, compactness and availability of everything necessary share of a full-fledged rest. Of the minuses - high humidity. Strong four.

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