Agia Pelagia - a paradise on the island of Minotaur.


Agia Pelagia is a small resort village, located about 20 kilometers west of Heraklion, the capital of the island of Crete. We (we rested the four-ways - I, my husband, two children) was a group transfer from the airport of Heraklion, the road took about an hour. The serpentine begins closer to Agia Pelagia, honestly, it was not used to go, as the road is narrow, several times the feeling arose that the bus on the next steep turn will fall into the break.

The village itself is a small, tourist-oriented, is in the bay - on the one hand of the mountain, with another sea. There are no large stores, but there are many souvenir benches, sightseeing shops, car rental points, water transport, there is a diving club. At night, the village falls asleep, so that lovers of active nightlife I would not advise him to rest. But for those who are looking for tranquility, comfort, heat and serene sea, this Cretan resort will be the perfect choice.

A separate conversation deserves the beach Agia Pelagia. He is sandy-pebble and very narrow, so narrow that in some places there must be only one series of sun beds, even by about a third are washed by the sea. If we go through the right, the beach strip is expanding a little, you can already see a couple of rows of sun beds and easily find the place for yourself. Sun beds and umbrellas in Agia Pelagia (as well as, and in all other Greek beaches) paid, I do not remember the exact cost, but it seems to pay for about 8 euros per day. We did not take sun beds, as they spent almost all the time in the sea, and when they wanted to sunbathe, comfortably and completely free were on their inflatable mattresses and beach towels. The first time was taken with a beach umbrella (it can be bought in any shop on the road to the beach for 8-10 euros), but then I realized that there is no need for it, paid beach umbrellas are located close to each other and can always be settled in them. Shadow

Agia Pelagia - a paradise on the island of Minotaur. 31136_1

The sea was restless for the first two days, it was possible to jump on the waves. But then it became affectionate, with crystal clear water, and most importantly it was very warm. I got used to the water almost instantly, although usually resting on the Mediterranean Sea, I stand for a long time on my knee in the water, trying to make myself completely immersed the sea.

Agia Pelagia - a paradise on the island of Minotaur. 31136_2

Bathing and sunbathing on the beach, noticed that to the left of the beach in the area of ​​the fairly expensive and famous hotel "Cape", which even appeared once in one of the issues of the "Eagle and Rusk" program as the hotel for the golden card owner, constantly That movement, the people climb on the rocks, descends from them. We decided to go there and we, fortunately, without children. Oh, what beauty we saw there! I had a complete feeling that I was not in Crete, but in the most beautiful Bay of Majorca, or somewhere on Bali. The abundance of greenery, rocks painted in the most incredible colors, perfectly clean, turquoise sea, the water is so transparent that literally every pebble on the bottom is visible, and there you can see an amazing secluded beach there, to get on which it is possible only from water.

Agia Pelagia - a paradise on the island of Minotaur. 31136_3

In general, fans of natural beauty and everyone who wants to make fantastically beautiful pictures to everyone, looking at which all families will simply warm up from envy, it is necessary to go to this place. It is better not to take children, as it is necessary to go on the rocks, according to a rather narrow path, on the one side which is a cool break. My heart has stopped during this journey, I didn't even imagine how to go back. And yet it was worth it!

Summarizing, I also liked the rest in Agia Pelagia, it turned out to be lazy and beach, but it was exactly what we wanted. I do not exclude what else will return to this paradise.

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