John-theological Monastery in Sbypuceau.


The St. John-theological Monastery, which is located in Sbyposhovo, is essentially the oldest in the whole Ryazan region. If you believe the historical chronicles, it was founded at the end of the twelfth-early thirteenth century by Greek monks. Moreover, they did not just come to our lands to enlighten the pagan tribes, but brought with them the most valuable icon of the Apostle John. According to legend, this miraculous image was written in the sixth century by the Byzantine orphan boy, while his hand came to him the image of the apostle. Actually, this icon later became the shrine of the male monastery.

At the end of the sixteenth century, the monastery was ruined by the invasion of the troops of Khan Batya, however, the John-theological Monastery was always reborn in spite of anything inevitable. Under Soviet power, the monastery in Sbypoopovo overtook another serious test - the abbot together with the monks was arrested and referred to Kazakhstan, but the monastery was completely closed at all. Unfortunately, at about the same time, the miraculous image of John the Theologian was missing from the monastery and still practically nothing about him. In general, only since 1988, a complete real revival of the monastery began.

John-theological Monastery in Sbypuceau. 31105_1

There is a monastery in the village of Raspoceovo on the banks of the Oka River, twenty-five kilometers from Ryazan. Getting the easiest way to car, moving first on the Moscow-Samara highway, then not to reach Ryazan should be collapsed towards Konstantinovo, well, on the signs. On how to get to the monastery with public transport you can read on the official website of the monastery. Before entering the monastery there is a small parking on which you can leave cars.

The entrance to the John theological monastery is carried out through the new holy gates (there are also old). Near the gate a small wagon in which you can ask for temporary use of a handkerchief on your head, if you do not have any. It so happened that after expanding the monastery, his ancient holy gates as it were inside the monastery walls. To date, inside the holy gates is the chapel of the icon of the Iverka of the Mother of God and there can also be seen one of the most ancient frescoes of the Ryazan region.

Literally next to the chapel there is a high bell tower, which is essentially clearly visible at the entrance to the monastery. It is noteworthy that there are two bell tower on the territory of the monastery - one was built in the seventeenth century, and the second is relatively recently recently in 1901. In the new bell tower there is a complete set of bells and during large holidays the ringing is heard at many kilometers around.

John-theological Monastery in Sbypuceau. 31105_2

And on the daily services there is a ringing with an old bell tower, under which the Temple of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is located. It was from him that the restoration of the monastery began in 1989. In addition to two bells in the monastery there are still seven temples and two chapels. Of course, the John theological Temple, which was built in 1689, is considered the most important thing in the monastery. There are stored particles of relics more than one hundred and twenty saints.

Next to the Theological Temple is the cathedral uninvertal temple of the Assumption of the Mother of God, built in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Another small temple of the monastery is located in the house of the governor, led the monastery after he was returned to the Lono of the Church. It should be noted that Archimandrite Abel attached a lot of effort so that the monastery was restored as soon as possible. The temple in honor of the burgher Boris and Gleb is located in the new fraternal building, in general, if you do not know where it is, then all seven temples will be difficult to find.

From all sides, the territory of the monastery surrounds powerful thick walls, so externally, he resembles a well-protected fortress rather. In general, the monastery territory is very big and of course well-groomed. Not far from the monastery wall is a holy source that must be visited and to gain a holy driver.

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