Pskov Kremlin


Pskov Kremlin is of course the most important part of the whole region. He seemed a lot on his century and keeps many historical events unfolded around him. And this is the cultural center of Pskov and at the same time a majestic monument. In general, it is impossible to understand the soul of the city itself, without having been in its except (Kremlin).

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Scientists specifically established that the very first pagan settlements appeared in these places in the middle of the first millennium of our era, but the very first mention of Pskov as an already fortified city belong to 903. Since the city was located close to the borders, then the need to protect him from enemies from the west was constantly felt. But in those days, there were still no complex fortifications - all that could then afford the defenders of the city were only earthy trees, and even the wooden tune. Well, in the thirteenth century, the chrome was built - a stone kids.

Gradually, the territory of the Pskov Kremlin expanded significantly. The city has grown, and military technologies naturally also improved, moreover, more and more new protective measures were required. Starting from 1270 and 1280 on the southern borders of Pskov, another new defensive frontier called Dovmontov The city, which received such a name from building his Lithuanian Prince Dovmonta.

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The territory of Chrome, which turned out after the end of this construction, began to be called a cluster. But at the same time, the construction of the Kremlin itself did not stop on this - fortifications were built both within the Kremlin and beyond. Well, after the city of Pskov with the adjacent territory was attached to the Moscow Prince, then amazing fortification structures were built, which not only blocked the inner harbor of the city, but also completely closed the attacks of his whole territory. These were rather complicated for those times of construction, in the form of stone walls, built both above and below the fortress, equipped with arches and squeezed lattices.

Together with the protective walls, the Kremlin towers, which were then constantly upgraded were built. The most famous among them is considered - Vassevskaya Tower (Pskov Customs was placed there;

- Kucose - a large pyhylain angular tower located near the place of merger of the Pskov and Great Rivers;

- Rybnitskaya Tower (Tower of the Holy Gate);

- Flat Tower;

- Dovmontova (Smedney) Tower.

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Approximately by the end of the seventeenth century, the total number of towers of the Pskov Kremlin was thirty-nine units, and the duration of its walls is ten miles (a little less than eleven kilometers). But, as well as usually, nor the time nor numerous wars, especially the bloody and destructive World War II, did not spare the Pskov Kremlin. Many of its plots were destroyed. In the fifties of the last century, after the end of the war, restoration work began on the territory of the Kremlin, which are still held. To date, Pskov Krom is a full-fledged museum, for which many tourists actually come to this city.

In addition to the commemorated the walls of the Kremlin on its territory you can see a lot of other attractions. But his heart was always considered an amazing Troitsky Cathedral - one of the main architectural monuments, which should be inspected in the Kremlin. In addition to him, the orders of the construction chambers of 1693, Trinity Bell Tower, and so on.

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