Metro in Paris


Those people who for all their lives have rolled out in the Moscow metro, are unlikely to be impressed with Paris. It is all very and very modest and concisely and there are no such stations that would resemble palaces or museums. The special note of the Paris Metro is perhaps the fact that the latest technologies are very successful in it, along with those that were introduced immediately after the construction.

In fact, according to the same paths, modern trains go at all without machinists, and at the same time there are such trains in which it is necessary to simply open the door or move the metal latch, or click on the corresponding button. In the same way, the stations on the entrances in the subway are decorated and some of them are super-modern, and some remained without any changes since the beginning of the twentieth century.

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In fact, it could happen that the Paris metro would not reach our time in his present form. Back in 1845, almost serious disputes began around it for half a century before its construction. And oddly enough opponents from that project, that was eventually accepted, it turned out to be much more than supporters.

Deputies dissatisfied with this project motivated their decision by the fact that they are not entitled to drive Parisians under the ground so that they could drive from one area to another. Instead, they offered to put on the streets of the train on the steam rift. There was still a project of the suspension of cars to fixed up the rail, and also suggested to build something like an American hill approximately twenty-thirty-one altitude over the city.

And these and many other projects were fortunately rejected, and the worldwide exhibition was approaching the decisive argument in favor of the construction of an underground metro in 1900, which was supposed to collect such a huge number of visitors, which, with all the desires of the city transport of Paris, was not transported condition.

After making a final decision, the question remained open only in financing this construction. But then there was a way out with the help of the Kleo dancers known in Paris, among the many fans of which was the King of Belgium Leopold II, who, at her request, agreed to sponsor the construction of the metro in Paris.

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The very first cars in the Paris metro were wooden, and they were divided into the first and second classes. Moreover, from such a division refused relatively recently. In total, Paris has fourteen RATP subway lines, which works from half the sixth in the morning and up to half the first night, and four RER lines are a high-speed suburban metropolitan, and you can transplanted on it right at urban stations. RER also works as half of the sixth morning, but to twelve night.

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