Komarovo and his sights


Komarovo's country village near St. Petersburg has a long history. Until the very beginning of the twentieth century, they were engaged in forestry, and called Hirvisuo, which is translated from Finnish as "Moos Swamp". And what else is noteworthy - on one of the dry hills hung a bell in which they hit as a call to dinner.

Then the railway was built here and the village began to develop a rapid pace, and his Kellomyaki was called (bell slide). By the beginning of the twentieth century, there were already about ten thousand inhabitants in the village. Many famous personalities came here on vacation from St. Petersburg, for example, Matilda Kseshinskaya and Karl Faberge. The village had a lot of everything - school, theater, sanatorium, weaving workshops and a peat factory.

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Subsequently, the village entered Finland and came to a significant launch, and in June he was released by parts of the Soviet army. After the end of the war on the order of the Soviet government, there were homage to build cottages for scientists. One of them was intended by V.L. Komarovo - President of the Academy of Sciences. After in December of the same year, mosquitoes died, it was decided to renaming the village in Komarovo.

The greatest interest in the village is perhaps the Museum of Kellomaki-Komarovo. Initially, all its exhibits gathered in the library building, where local residents came to communicate in general. Many brought here personal belongings of famous people who have ever been in Komarovo, and books with autographs.

An active part in the creation of the museum was accepted by the famous writer Daniel Granin. Thus, a pretty pretty collection was created, telling about Anna Akhmatova, Dmitry Shostakovich, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry Likhachev, Vasily Solovyov-Sedom.

In 1956, the House of Creativity Writers was built in the village, in which many famous personalities did worked. Local residents remembered that in those days from open windows constantly came the inapproprifying drainage of printed machines. The rooms inside were small and poorly equipped, but it lived in each person, and no one interfered with anyone. The house of creativity, if desired, can be inspecting, only one must first agree with the administration.

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Another very interesting object in Komarovo is the "booth" Akhmatova. The poetess loved to be in his small house, although he called him just a "green booth." Here, many creative personalities were visited here - Faina Ranevskaya, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitry Likhachev, Alexander Prokofiev and many others. By agreement with the employees of the museum, the Akhmatova house can be visited.

In Komarovo, you can always relax and eat in the "Russian fishing" complex. There is a restaurant with a fish menu and European dishes, and there is also a whole program for relaxing families with children. If desired, children can even be left with a nanny. A small zoo is open on the territory, and the entire complex is surrounded by ponds near which cute sculptures of fishermen are installed.

Well, of course, being in Komarovo, it is impossible not to look at his old cemetery, where many famous personalities are buried - Dmitry Likhachev, Ivan Efremov, Vera Ketlin, Vera Panova, Gennady Mountains and others. Most visitors are usually on the grave of Anna Akhmatova, on which a massive cross is installed with a fragment of a coarse brick wall. It is like a symbol of the prison wall, near which poetess spent many hours, standing in the colors with the leads to the son in prison, arrested during the years of repression.

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