Attractions Belozerska


Belozersk is actually an oldest city in the territory of the Vologda region, since its history has already at least eleven centuries. Its quiet and cozy streets as if impregnated with an early flavor, and of course their green plantings are very decorated. A lot of tourists come here to relax from the urban fuss on the White Lake, on behalf of which the city name actually went, but also in the city very interesting architectural, historical and natural attractions, which also deserve attention.

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One of the most long-time facilities in the city is Belozersky Kremlin. It was built back in the fifteenth century, well, the material for creating walls and towers served a tree. The main functions of the Kremlin at that time were naturally defensive. It was seven towers on its territory, and two of them were travel, and five deaf. On all sides, the Kremlin surrounded deep ditch filled with water. Approximately two centuries later, the whole design of the Kremlin could have dilapidated, and then it was disassembled at all.

Until our days, earth trees have preserved well, and in general it can be said that this architectural monument looks very grandiose, amazing with its scale and beauty. The initial height of the shafts was thirty meters, but over time they were significantly downtrend, but nevertheless, they still produce a strong impression.

Belozersk employs a very interesting local history museum, which appeared in the city at the beginning of the nineteenth century. But only his fate was rather complicated, because during this time the museum was very often closed, and his collection was transferred to other museums. Currently, in the museum you can get acquainted with old coins, seals, seals, books, painting and sculpture samples, embroidery and samples of housecloth. Very often in the museum there are exhibitions of works of modern masters.

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Of great interest among tourists in Belozersk usually represents the Ethnographic Museum of the Russian Izba, where you can see the simplest furnishings of the Russian peasant hut. Here you can see genuine items of that time - straws, children's cradles, irons and other things necessary in the farm. Museum staff with great pleasure introduce all visitors with old Russian traditions, rites and beliefs, with the way of life of a simple peasant family.

Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Belozersk was built in the second half of the seventeenth century on the territory of the Old Kremlin. The Russian walls of the cathedral over time also already increased to the ground, but massive walls practically do not have decorative parts. The ancient temple is crowned with five bulbous type domes. Inside the cathedral is a magnificent iconostasis, which of course over time and has lost its original magnificent look, but still still produces an amazing impression.

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The main natural attraction of the city is certainly Mora Maura, which is also considered the most beautiful in the entire Vologda region. From its top offers a wonderful view of the surroundings. The unusual name of the mountain - "Maura" is hidden somewhere in the depths of the centuries together with the secrets and mysteries of the peoples who inhabited these edges in ancient times. When the archaeologists spent the excavations here, they found the settlements here people still neolith's periods. At the top of Maura Mountain, you can see a stone that, if you believe the old legends, it was installed on the very place where the sign of the Virgin was manifested with St. Cyril.

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