What to see in Yuryev-Polish: major attractions


Yuriev-Polsky is a very small town, which is not so far from Moscow in the Vladimir region. It was founded only for five years later than Moscow in the same prince Yuri Dolgorukh. The same prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Therefore, the city is literally permeated by the Russian spirit. The prince founded this city and the fortress in it to protect the northern borders of his possessions.

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It was here that the famous lipitic battle occurred, which allowed very enterprising rulers to establish their power over the Suzdal lands. In later times, the Mongols came here, the settlement came here, and then the Poles came at all and destroyed the city of Dotley. Although the city is part of the Golden Ring, but still it is impossible to say that it is filled with tourists. It can easily be examined in one day, and it is better to combine with a visit to Vladimir and Suzdal, which are nearby.

One of the oldest religious structures in Yuryev-Polsky is the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky monastery, since it was founded back in the thirteenth century. Due to the numerous invasions of enemies, his appearance of course has changed seriously, and today the oldest structure in it actually is the Western Wall with the towers, which was built on three hundred years later.

All buildings in the monastery are open to visits, but it serves not only religious purposes, since it has long been turned into a large tourist and historical complex. Some buildings are museums whose collections are of some interest. The St. George Church, which was built in 1718, looks very attractive. It is completely made of wood and is an undoubted monument to the amazing skill of local craftsmen. Its as well as churches in Kizhi were built only with the help of an ax and did not use any nails.

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The decision to build a Belokamenny St. George Cathedral was made personally by Prince Svyatoslav, which was ruled in these places before the arrival of Mongol-Tatars. The structure was already in unfinished form, it was extremely beautiful and was skillfully decorated with a carvings, but the enemy invasion upset all the plans and the cathedral did not finish in the sense as he thought. And after two hundred years, he began to collapse at all. For his recovery, the king Ivan III took himself personally. For these purposes, the famous architect Yermoline was invited to them, which successfully coped with his task despite the obvious shortage of the source material.

If you have more time to inspect the city or you, for example, come here on your own car, you can visit Golitsin's estate in a nearby settlement of Sima. This estate was awarded personally by Prince Mikhail Mikhailovich Golitsin to commemorate the victory over Swedish troops in 1708.

Now, of course, the estate is in a very poor condition, but by the appearance of a former luxurious house, you can judge how rich and influential a family of Golitsin at that time. You must certainly visit the grave of General Peter Bagration and the ancient Church of Dimitri Solunsky nearby.

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The holy-injected maiden monastery in Yuriev-Polsky was built at the beginning of the seventeenth century and all the time who had passed since that time developed and completed. To date, there is a large number of buildings belonging to different epochs on its pretty decent territory. Nowadays, there is a valid male monastery.

A huge number of churches have been preserved in Yuryev-Polish, some of them look better, some worse. Perhaps the greatest interest is the Pokrovskaya and Nikitskaya Church. In fact, they are located very close to each other and, as if form a single architectural ensemble. The bell tower is especially beautiful here, which, by the way, is also one of the highest buildings in the city.

The monument to the founder of the city of Yuryev-Polish Prince Dmitry Dolgorukomuku was delivered relatively recently, but it was made so skillfully that very harmoniously fit into the architectural ensemble of the city. Well, finally, it is worth considering the remnants of the ancient city of Mstislavl, which are from eleven kilometers from Yuryev-Polish in the settlement of the town. There you can see the miracle the preserved five-meter shafts that were installed before the construction of Yuriev Polish.

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