Studdle - Good rest in a clean resort


This year I decided to spend my vacation in the goal. This is a wonderful resort on the Black Sea coast, which is located quite close to Odessa. You can get here by rail or minibus that go from the station in Odessa. I took advantage of the second option.

I'll tell you a little about the weather. Two weeks in August flew very quickly. Every day was good and warm weather. Almost always the sun shone, and the clouds almost did not observe. The air was heated somewhere to +28, and sometimes more. There were almost no precipitation, once a pouring rain was made, but all the other days was dry weather.

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The beach is big, many people, but free space in prosperity. It is good that there was no such thing that everyone lies on each other and there is no place to pass. There was no such thing here, so everything is fine. Everywhere the beaches are sandy, pebbles, there is no sandy in the water. The bottom without stones (sometimes small shells come across).

The sea is warm and calm. Here the waves are not often, so you can not be afraid if someone does not like the wavy sea. Jellyfish were, but there are not many of them. I saw in the water somewhat large enough, but they did not interfere with me. The first few tens of meters was finely enough, and then the depth began.

The resort village is not big, here is mostly houses and recreation centers, everything is very close to the sea. There are shops (by the way, the price is adequate, but some food is quite expensive).

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There is no large number of attractions. If you want some kind of diversity, then you need to go to Odessa. However, to South Palmyra to go only 40 minutes, so it did not have a problem for me. I also went to Belgorod-Dniester in the fortress "Akkerman". There is easy to get on the suburban train.

There are no problems with housing here, but book it is better somewhere in May, and if later, then finding good conditions will not be so easy.

In general, the vacation was positive, I rested well and spent very little money. This is a good loan holiday option in Odessa. August is ideal for a trip to Zoloku.

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