Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea


The Botanical Garden, which is located in the Crimean village of Nikita, is an incredibly unique place with its special microclimate. Here you can see not only flowers and plants, but also the trees that have already become several hundred years. And during a walk along this garden, all visitors accompanies the aroma of several thousand Crimean roses and ancient Lebanese cedars.

The territory of the Botanical Garden is pretty decent - the order of forty hectares. He is located in the village of Nikita and belongs to the Yalta City Council, so the easiest way to get here naturally from Yalta, especially as the distance between them is only ten kilometers. It is also possible to get to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden and by Simferopol and Alushta. In principle, any trolleybus next to Yalta is suitable.

Nikitsky Botanical Garden in general is a comprehensive research institution and in fact it was always. So in the garden you can see not only flowers with plants and trees, but also administrative buildings. And during the visit to the garden, it is quite possible to see the most real scientists.

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Not so long ago, Nikitsky Botanical Garden solemnly celebrated his two-year anniversary. In 1812, the king signed a decree establishing an institution in the Crimea. At the origins of his discovery, such famous figures of the time as Duke de Richelieu, Mikhail Vorontsov and Fyodor Biberstein. The director of the garden was then appointed a talented scientist-naturalist - Christian Steven. He decided to make the Nikitsky Botanical Garden of the nursery and another acclimatization point of plants absolutely not familiar to the Crimea. By decree of the king, he went to an overseas tour and for twelve years of searches gathered about five hundred such instances.

In Nikitsky Botanical Garden, you can come in principle all year round. He is open all the time and even better visit it in different pores of the year to get it there and watch different seasons. The main territory of the garden, which consists of the lower and upper parks is the arboretum or arborretum. Here in the open ground, wood plants grow, and they are placed strictly according to certain features.

It is best when you come to attend a botanical garden, immediately join a group excursion - so it will be easier for you to navigate in the garden and besides you will learn a lot of interesting things. In the garden of the garden, there are cafes, souvenir shops, there are special recreation areas and toilets. Remember that walking on lawns and to be located on them in the garden is strictly prohibited.

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The Arboretum of the Park is divided into the upper and lower parks. If you come from the main entrance, then the very first thing you will see a bust of the founder of the Garden of Christian Steven. Near it, as a rule, groups are recruited for excursions. After you are pleasing to the pool with turquoise water near the administrative building, you can go to the garden research.

In the upper park there are the most unique trees of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden - sequiredrons. They are just huge, but keep in mind that nevertheless here they are still kids, because they can really grow up to one hundred and twenty meters. Right behind the administrative building there is a beloved bamboo grove. Well, and then you need to go to the rosary. This is something stunning. From spring and almost until autumn, hundreds of different types of roses bloom here. Moreover, among them there are truly unique, because they are derived by local breeders.

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The lower park is actually the oldest plot of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, since it has preserved plants planted back during the base of the garden. Here you can see cypresses, pines, oaks, and laurels who are over us in a few dozen, and sometimes hundreds of years. Incredibly beautifully looks at stunning cascading pools with lotus. And literally next to them is a giant herbaceous plant - this is the so-called banana bassio.

On the territory of the Lower Park, the olive grove was preserved quite well, which was planted here in 1824. Also here are the centenary cypresses brought from California, palm alley, the grove of cork oak and a rock slide on which many different cacti grow. And there is an excellent cactus greenhouse, in which, as you just have, it seems to immediately seem that you found yourself in the real hot Mexico with its bizarre cactus, agabos and succulents. In general, Nikitsky Botanical Garden can no longer leave indifferent. And sometimes people come here specifically to visit the exhibition of some colors - roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, irises, and so on.

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