Genoese fortress in Sudak


The Genoese Fortress in Sudak is a bright historical attraction, clearly preserved all traces of various nationalities living in the Crimean Peninsula. Today it is a museum-reserve and called the "Sudak Fortress". No one still can not be able to answer the question to the question - and how many years actually turned this fortress, since there are several versions of its initial construction in this place.

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The Sudak Fortress is at an altitude of 160 meters from the sea level. Today, not all buildings are preserved on the territory of the fortress, but only a sentigious tower, barbican, consular castle, water storage, plots of fortress walls and some other other fragments. The central entrance to the fortress is located near the main gate. Next to each practically the object of the Genoese fortress is the information plate.

In the temple with the arcade, or rather not the current Mosque Padishah-Jami, a museum is working, which is fully dedicated to the historical and architectural heritage of this fortress. Basically, the construction of the second half of the fourteenth century period has been preserved on the territory of the fortress. It is these buildings that are the creations of the hands of immigrants from northern Italy, or rather the Genoesers. That's why the fortress itself also received such a name.

Periodically, the entire territory of the Museum-Reserve of the Genoese Fortress is allocated to the platform for various events - festivals, performances and concerts. The schedule of these events can always be read on the official website of the fortress. From the center of Speaker's resort, the Genoese fortress was removed for a distance of 2.7 kilometers.

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You can get on the territory of the fortress as part of an organized excursion, the value of which is the same for all - fifty rubles. In principle, you can order an individual excursion, but two thousand rubles will have to pay for it. On average, the tour of the fortress lasts about forty minutes, and there are collapsible groups through every half hour. The Museum-Reserve works almost all year round, but since it is open-air, then its work mode depends on the season of the year and from the daylight.

Some historians are inclined to the fact that the fortress called the Sugdea appeared in this very spot in 212 of our era and then the soldiers of the Bosporian kingdom were placed. But this version causes a lot of doubts, because since then only some coins remained, and small fragments of struggle. The main part of the researchers is inclined to the fact that the history of the Sudak Fortress began only in the seventh century, when the Byzantine city of Suget was located under the powerful defense of defensive structures. And after this opening, the very commonality was the name of the Sudak fortress, but not the "Genoese Fortress of the city of Sudak".

For all his long historical period, the Sudak fortress on the Crimean Peninsula belonged to completely different peoples - the Turks, Greeks, Mongols, Genoese, Venetians and even one time was under the Protectorator of Polovtsy. The thirteenth century became for the Italian city of Genoa the period of the highest bloom - more and more trade missions (Genoese factories) began to appear in the Black Sea regimes and the city began to be built.

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Already in the first half of the fourteenth century, the Genuses received Kerch under their patronage, Balaklava, Feodosia, which they just bought from nomads, well, in 1365, the Genoesers and Sudak were taken by force. First of all, they began to restore this city after serious destruction caused by the warriors of the Golden Horde. Fortress walls were installed and defense lines were erected. In the fortress, residential buildings and temples were built.

In 1475, when the weakening of the Byzantine influence began, and at the same time a significant strengthening of the Ottoman Empire began, all the Crimean Genoese fortresses moved to the Turks. Well, and then in the eighteenth century, Sudak was taken by Russian troops. And then in order to build garrison barracks, unfortunately, many historical buildings of the fortress were destroyed. By the end of the nineteenth century, serious repairs began in the fortress, and after the revolution, the historical and archaeological museum was opened.

On the territory of the fortress, such well-known films were filmed as "Pirates of the XX century", "Golden", "Odyssey Captain Blade", "Master and Margarita" and some others. Then every year in the territory of the fortress there is a very interesting festival of knightly art - "Genoese helmet". But besides the knightly tournaments, there are also often craft fairings, performances of troubadurov, competitions in shageless business and in possession of firearms (hardships) and rifle (crossbows) weapons.

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